/* * Author: NouberNou and esteldunedain * Render all available nearby interactions * * Argument: * None * * Return value: * None * * Example: * [] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_render * * Public: No */ // #define ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS #include "script_component.hpp" BEGIN_COUNTER(fnc_render); private _foundTarget = false; if (GVAR(openedMenuType) >= 0) then { BEGIN_COUNTER(fnc_renderMenuOpen); private _cursorPos2 = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 2]; // Render all available nearby interactions call FUNC(renderActionPoints); // Draw the red selector only when there's no cursor if !(uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(cursorMenuOpened),false]) then { [[0.5,0.5], "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\selected_ca.paa"] call FUNC(renderSelector); }; private _cursorScreenPos = [worldToScreen _cursorPos2, GVAR(cursorPos)] select (uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(cursorMenuOpened),false]); private _closestDistance = 1000000; private _closestSelection = -1; { _x params ["", "_sPos"]; private _distanceFromCursor = _cursorScreenPos distance2d _sPos; if ((_distanceFromCursor < 0.1118) && {_distanceFromCursor < _closestDistance}) then { _closestDistance = _distanceFromCursor; _closestSelection = _forEachIndex; }; } forEach GVAR(currentOptions); if (_closestSelection == -1) exitWith {END_COUNTER(fnc_renderMenuOpen);}; private _closest = GVAR(currentOptions) select _closestSelection; _closest params ["_action", "_sPos", "_hoverPath"]; private _cTime = ACE_diagTime; private _delta = _cTime - GVAR(lastTime); GVAR(lastTime) = _cTime; GVAR(rotationAngle) = (GVAR(rotationAngle) + (270*_delta)) mod 360; [_sPos, format [QUOTE(PATHTOF(ui\selector%1.paa)), floor (((abs GVAR(rotationAngle)) mod 90) / 6)]] call FUNC(renderSelector); _foundTarget = true; GVAR(actionSelected) = true; GVAR(selectedAction) = _action select 1; GVAR(selectedTarget) = (GVAR(selectedAction)) select 2; private _misMatch = !(GVAR(lastPath) isEqualTo _hoverPath); if(_misMatch && {ACE_diagTime-GVAR(expandedTime) > linearConversion [0, 2, GVAR(menuAnimationSpeed), 0.25, 0.08333333]}) then { GVAR(startHoverTime) = ACE_diagTime; GVAR(lastPath) = _hoverPath; GVAR(expanded) = false; } else { if(!GVAR(expanded) && {ACE_diagTime-GVAR(startHoverTime) > linearConversion [0, 2, GVAR(menuAnimationSpeed), 0.25, 0.08333333]}) then { GVAR(expanded) = true; // Start the expanding menu animation only if the user is not going up the menu if !([GVAR(menuDepthPath),GVAR(lastPath)] call FUNC(isSubPath)) then { GVAR(expandedTime) = ACE_diagTime; }; GVAR(menuDepthPath) = +GVAR(lastPath); // Execute the current action if it's run on hover private _tmp = ((GVAR(selectedAction) select 0) select 9) select 3; private _runOnHover = true; if (_tmp isEqualType {}) then { _runOnHover = call _tmp; } else { if (_tmp isEqualType false) then { _runOnHover = _tmp; } else { _runOnHover = _tmp > 0; }; }; if (_runOnHover) then { this = GVAR(selectedTarget); private _player = ACE_Player; private _target = GVAR(selectedTarget); // Clear the conditions caches [QGVAR(clearConditionCaches), []] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; // Check the action conditions private _actionData = GVAR(selectedAction) select 0; if ([_target, _player, _actionData select 6] call (_actionData select 4)) then { // Call the statement [_target, _player, _actionData select 6] call (_actionData select 3); // Clear the conditions caches again if the action was performed [QGVAR(clearConditionCaches), []] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; }; }; }; }; END_COUNTER(fnc_renderMenuOpen); }; if(!_foundTarget && GVAR(actionSelected)) then { GVAR(actionSelected) = false; }; for "_i" from GVAR(iconCount) to (count GVAR(iconCtrls))-1 do { ctrlDelete (GVAR(iconCtrls) select _i); GVAR(ParsedTextCached) set [_i, ""]; }; GVAR(iconCtrls) resize GVAR(iconCount); GVAR(iconCount) = 0; END_COUNTER(fnc_render);