/* * Author: bux, PabstMirror * Commands the selected unit or group to start suppressive fire on the unit, group or location the module is placed on * * Arguments: * 0: Unit * 1: Fire Pos ASL * 2: Artiller Magazine * * Return Value: * None * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_unit", "_targetASL", "_artilleryMag"]; TRACE_4("moduleSuppressiveFireLocal",_unit,local _unit,_targetASL,_artilleryMag); if (_artilleryMag != "") exitWith { (vehicle _unit) doArtilleryFire [ASLtoAGL _targetASL, _artilleryMag, 4]; TRACE_3("doArtilleryFire",_unit,_targetASL,_artilleryMag); }; [{ params ["_unit", "_burstsLeft", "_nextRun", "_targetASL", "_artilleryMag"]; if (!alive _unit) exitWith {true}; if (CBA_missionTime >= _nextRun) then { _burstsLeft = _burstsLeft - 1; _this set [1, _burstsLeft]; _this set [2, _nextRun + 4]; _unit doSuppressiveFire _targetASL; TRACE_2("doSuppressiveFire",_unit,_targetASL); }; (_burstsLeft <= 0) }, { TRACE_1("Done",_this); }, [_unit, 11, CBA_missionTime, _targetASL, _artilleryMag]] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;