#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Sickboy * Spurts blood on the ground based on the direction and damage. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit <OBJECT> * 1: Direction <NUMBER> * 2: Damage <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [player, random 360, 1] call ace_medical_blood_fnc_spurt * * Public: No */ #define MAXIMUM_DROPS 4 #define DISTANCE_BETWEEN_DROPS 0.20 #define OFFSET 0.25 params ["_unit", "_direction", "_damage"]; private _distanceBetweenDrops = DISTANCE_BETWEEN_DROPS * _damage; private _offset = OFFSET + _distanceBetweenDrops; private _position = _unit getPos [_offset, _direction]; ["blooddrop_2", _position, _unit] call FUNC(createBlood); private _dropAmount = ceil (MAXIMUM_DROPS * _damage); TRACE_2("Spurting blood",_dropAmount,_damage); if (_dropAmount > 1) then { for "_i" from 2 to _dropAmount do { _position = _position getPos [_distanceBetweenDrops, _direction]; ["blooddrop_1", _position, _unit] call FUNC(createBlood); }; };