/* * Author: commy2 * Calculate light intensity object 1 recieves from object 2 * * Arguments: * 0: Object that recieves light (Object) * 1: Object that emits light (Object) * * Return Value: * Brightest light level * */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_unitPos","_lightLevel"]; PARAMS_2(_unit,_lightSource); _unitPos = _unit modelToWorld (_unit selectionPosition "spine3"); _lightLevel = 0; if (_lightSource isKindOf "CAManBase") then { // handle persons with flashlights private "_weapon"; _weapon = currentWeapon _lightSource; if !(_lightSource isFlashlightOn _weapon) exitWith {}; private ["_flashlight", "_properties", "_intensity", "_innerAngle", "_outerAngle", "_position", "_direction", "_directionToUnit", "_distance", "_angle"]; _flashlight = switch (_weapon) do { case (primaryWeapon _lightSource): { primaryWeaponItems _lightSource select 1 }; case (secondaryWeapon _lightSource): { secondaryWeaponItems _lightSource select 1 }; case (handgunWeapon _lightSource): { handgunItems _lightSource select 1 }; default {""}; }; if (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _flashlight >> "ACE_laserpointer") == 1) exitWith {_lightLevel = 0}; _properties = [[_flashlight], FUNC(getLightPropertiesWeapon), uiNamespace, format [QEGVAR(cache,%1_%2), QUOTE(DFUNC(getLightPropertiesWeapon)), _flashlight], 1E11] call FUNC(cachedCall); //_properties = [_flashlight] call FUNC(getLightPropertiesWeapon); _innerAngle = (_properties select 3) / 2; _outerAngle = (_properties select 4) / 2; _position = _lightSource modelToWorld (_lightSource selectionPosition "rightHand"); _direction = _lightSource weaponDirection _weapon; _directionToUnit = _position vectorFromTo _unitPos; _distance = _unitPos distance _position; _angle = acos (_direction vectorDotProduct _directionToUnit); _lightLevel = (linearConversion [0, 30, _distance, 1, 0, true]) * (linearConversion [_innerAngle, _outerAngle, _angle, 1, 0, true]); } else { // handle any object, strcutures, cars, tanks, etc. @todo campfires, burning vehicles private "_lights"; _lights = [_lightSource] call FUNC(getTurnedOnLights); { private ["_properties", "_intensity", "_innerAngle", "_outerAngle", "_position", "_direction", "_directionToUnit", "_distance", "_angle"]; _properties = [[_lightSource, _x], FUNC(getLightProperties), uiNamespace, format [QEGVAR(cache,%1_%2_%3), QUOTE(DFUNC(getLightProperties)), typeOf _lightSource, _x], 1E11] call FUNC(cachedCall); //_properties = [_lightSource, _x] call FUNC(getLightProperties); // @todo intensity affects range? //_intensity = _properties select 0; _innerAngle = (_properties select 3) / 2; _outerAngle = (_properties select 4) / 2; // get world position and direction _position = _lightSource modelToWorld (_lightSource selectionPosition (_properties select 1)); _direction = _lightSource modelToWorld (_lightSource selectionPosition (_properties select 2)); _direction = _position vectorFromTo _direction; _directionToUnit = _position vectorFromTo _unitPos; _distance = _unitPos distance _position; _angle = acos (_direction vectorDotProduct _directionToUnit); _lightLevel = _lightLevel max ((linearConversion [0, 30, _distance, 1, 0, true]) * (linearConversion [_innerAngle, _outerAngle, _angle, 1, 0, true])); //systemChat format ["%1 %2", (linearConversion [0, 30, _distance, 1, 0, true]), (linearConversion [_innerAngle, _outerAngle, _angle, 1, 0, true])]; } forEach _lights; // handle campfires if (inflamed _lightSource) then { private "_distance"; _distance = _unitPos distance position _lightSource; _lightLevel = _lightLevel max linearConversion [0, 30, _distance, 0.5, 0, true]; }; }; _lightLevel