class ACE_Settings { class GVAR(enabled) { displayName = "Advanced Ballistics"; description = "Enables advanced ballistics"; typeName = "BOOL"; value = 0; }; class GVAR(simulateForSnipers) { displayName = "Enabled For Snipers"; description = "Enables advanced ballistics for non local snipers (when using high power optics)"; typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(simulateForGroupMembers) { displayName = "Enabled For Group Members"; description = "Enables advanced ballistics for non local group members"; typeName = "BOOL"; value = 0; }; class GVAR(simulateForEveryone) { displayName = "Enabled For Everyone"; description = "Enables advanced ballistics for all non local players (enabling this may degrade performance during heavy firefights in multiplayer)"; typeName = "BOOL"; value = 0; }; class GVAR(disabledInFullAutoMode) { displayName = "Disabled In FullAuto Mode"; description = "Disables advanced ballistics during full auto fire"; typeName = "BOOL"; value = 0; }; /* // TODO: We currently do not have firedEHs on vehicles class GVAR(vehicleGunnerEnabled) { displayName = "Enabled For Vehicle Gunners"; description = "Enables advanced ballistics for vehicle gunners"; typeName = "BOOL"; value = 0; }; */ class GVAR(ammoTemperatureEnabled) { displayName = "Enable Ammo Temperature Simulation"; description = "Muzzle velocity varies with ammo temperature"; typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled) { displayName = "Enable Barrel Length Simulation"; description = "Muzzle velocity varies with barrel length"; typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(bulletTraceEnabled) { displayName = "Enable Bullet Trace Effect"; description = "Enables a bullet trace effect to high caliber bullets (only visible when looking through high power optics)"; typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(simulationInterval) { displayName = "Simulation Interval"; description = "Defines the interval between every calculation step"; typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 0.0; }; class GVAR(simulationRadius) { displayName = "Simulation Radius"; description = "Defines the radius around the player (in meters) at which advanced ballistics are applied to projectiles"; typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 3000; }; };