/* * Author: Glowbal * reset all variables that have been defined * * Arguments: * ? * * Return Value: * ? * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_unit"]; _unit setvariable ["ACE_isDead", nil, true]; _unit setvariable ["ACE_isUnconscious", nil, true]; if (isPlayer _unit) then { [true] call FUNC(setVolume); [false] call FUNC(disableKeyInput); if (["ace_medical"] call FUNC(isModLoader)) then { [false] call EFUNC(medical,effectBlackOut); }; if !(isNil QGVAR(DISABLE_USER_INPUT_COLLECTION)) then { // clear all disable user input { [_x, false] call FUNC(setDisableUserInputStatus); false } count GVAR(DISABLE_USER_INPUT_COLLECTION); }; }; { if !(_x select 4) then { _unit setvariable [_x select 0, nil, _x select 3]; }; false } count ([_unit] call FUNC(getAllDefinedSetVariables)); _unit setVariable ["ACE_forceWalkStatusNumber", 0, true];