#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: esteldunedain * Insert an ACE action to a class, under a certain path * Note: This function is NOT global. * * Arguments: * 0: TypeOf of the class <STRING> * 1: Type of action, 0 for actions, 1 for self-actions <NUMBER> * 2: Parent path of the new action <ARRAY> * 3: Action <ARRAY> * 4: Use Inheritance <BOOL> (default: false) * * Return Value: * The entry full path, which can be used to remove the entry, or add children entries <ARRAY>. * * Example: * [typeOf cursorTarget, 0, ["ACE_TapShoulderRight"],VulcanPinchAction] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToClass; * * Public: Yes */ if (!hasInterface) exitWith { [] }; if (!params [["_objectType", "", [""]], ["_typeNum", 0, [0]], ["_parentPath", [], [[]]], ["_action", [], [[]], 11]]) exitWith { ERROR("Bad Params"); [] }; TRACE_4("addActionToClass",_objectType,_typeNum,_parentPath,_action); if (param [4, false, [false]]) exitwith { BEGIN_COUNTER(addAction); if (_objectType == "CAManBase") then { GVAR(inheritedActionsMan) pushBack [_typeNum, _parentPath, _action]; { [_x, _typeNum, _parentPath, _action] call FUNC(addActionToClass); } forEach GVAR(inheritedClassesMan); } else { GVAR(inheritedActionsAll) pushBack [_objectType, _typeNum, _parentPath, _action]; { if (_x isKindOf _objectType) then { [_x, _typeNum, _parentPath, _action] call FUNC(addActionToClass); }; } forEach GVAR(inheritedClassesAll); }; END_COUNTER(addAction); // Return the full path (_parentPath + [_action select 0]) }; _objectType = _objectType call EFUNC(common,getConfigName); // Ensure the config menu was compiled first if (_typeNum == 0) then { [_objectType] call FUNC(compileMenu); } else { [_objectType] call FUNC(compileMenuSelfAction); }; private _namespace = [GVAR(ActNamespace), GVAR(ActSelfNamespace)] select _typeNum; private _actionTrees = _namespace getOrDefault [_objectType, [], true]; if (_parentPath isEqualTo ["ACE_MainActions"]) then { [_objectType, _typeNum] call FUNC(addMainAction); }; private _parentNode = [_actionTrees, _parentPath] call FUNC(findActionNode); if (isNil "_parentNode") exitWith { ERROR_4("Failed to add action - action (%1) to parent %2 on object %3 [%4]",(_action select 0),_parentPath,_objectType,_typeNum); [] }; // Add action node as children of the correct node of action tree (_parentNode select 1) pushBack [_action,[]]; // Return the full path (_parentPath + [_action select 0])