#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: KoffeinFlummi, Commy2, Ruthberg * Check if weapon optics changed and reset zeroing if needed * * Arguments: * 0: Player <OBJECT> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [player] call ace_scopes_fnc_inventoryCheck * * Public: No */ params ["_player"]; private _adjustment = ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(Adjustment), [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]; private _updateAdjustment = false; private _newOptics = [_player] call FUNC(getOptics); { if (_newOptics select _forEachIndex != _x) then { private _opticConfig = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_newOptics select _forEachIndex); private _opticType = getNumber(_opticConfig >> "ItemInfo" >> "opticType"); private _maxVertical = []; private _verticalIncrement = -1; private _maxHorizontal = []; private _horizontalIncrement = -1; if (GVAR(simplifiedZeroing)) then { private _maxDistanceZoomMax = 300; private _maxDiscreteDistanceSize = 0; { _maxDistanceZoomMax = _maxDistanceZoomMax max (getNumber ( _x >> "distanceZoomMax")); _maxDiscreteDistanceSize = _maxDiscreteDistanceSize max (count getArray (_x >> "discreteDistance")); } forEach ("isArray (_x >> 'discreteDistance')" configClasses (_opticConfig >> "ItemInfo" >> "OpticsModes")); if (_maxDiscreteDistanceSize < 2 && {getNumber (_opticConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_VerticalIncrement") != 0}) then { _maxVertical = [50, _maxDistanceZoomMax]; _verticalIncrement = 50; } else { _maxVertical = [0, 0]; _verticalIncrement = 0; }; _maxHorizontal = [0, 0]; _horizontalIncrement = 0; } else { if (isNumber (_opticConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_VerticalIncrement")) then { _verticalIncrement = getNumber (_opticConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_VerticalIncrement"); }; if (isNumber (_opticConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_HorizontalIncrement")) then { _horizontalIncrement = getNumber (_opticConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_HorizontalIncrement"); }; if (isArray (_opticConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_Vertical")) then { _maxVertical = getArray (_opticConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_Vertical"); }; if (isArray (_opticConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_Horizontal")) then { _maxHorizontal = getArray (_opticConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_Horizontal"); }; if (GVAR(forceUseOfAdjustmentTurrets) && _opticType == 2) then { if (_maxVertical isEqualTo []) then { _maxVertical = [-4, 30]; }; if (_maxHorizontal isEqualTo []) then { _maxHorizontal = [-6, 6]; }; if (_verticalIncrement == -1) then { _verticalIncrement = 0.1; }; if (_horizontalIncrement == -1) then { _horizontalIncrement = 0.1; }; } else { if (_maxVertical isEqualTo []) then { _maxVertical = [0, 0]; }; if (_maxHorizontal isEqualTo []) then { _maxHorizontal = [0, 0]; }; if (_verticalIncrement == -1) then { _verticalIncrement = 0; }; if (_horizontalIncrement == -1) then { _horizontalIncrement = 0; }; }; }; (GVAR(scopeAdjust) select _forEachIndex) set [0, _maxVertical]; (GVAR(scopeAdjust) select _forEachIndex) set [1, _verticalIncrement]; (GVAR(scopeAdjust) select _forEachIndex) set [2, _maxHorizontal]; (GVAR(scopeAdjust) select _forEachIndex) set [3, _horizontalIncrement]; GVAR(canAdjustElevation) set [_forEachIndex, (_verticalIncrement > 0) && (_maxVertical isNotEqualTo [0, 0])]; GVAR(canAdjustWindage) set [_forEachIndex, (_horizontalIncrement > 0) && (_maxHorizontal isNotEqualTo [0, 0])]; }; } forEach GVAR(Optics); private _unitBaseAngle = +(_player getVariable [QGVAR(baseAngle), [0,0,0]]); private _unitBoreHeight = +(_player getVariable [QGVAR(boreHeight), [0,0,0]]); private _newGuns = [primaryWeapon _player, secondaryWeapon _player, handgunWeapon _player]; { if ((_newOptics select _x) != (GVAR(Optics) select _x) || (_newGuns select _x != GVAR(Guns) select _x)) then { _unitBaseAngle set [_x, [_player, _x] call FUNC(getBaseAngle)]; _unitBoreHeight set [_x, [_player, _x] call FUNC(getBoreHeight)]; if ((_newOptics select _x) == "") then { // Check if the weapon comes with an integrated optic private _weaponConfig = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_newGuns select _x); private _maxVertical = [0, 0]; private _verticalIncrement = 0; private _maxHorizontal = [0, 0]; private _horizontalIncrement = 0; if (GVAR(simplifiedZeroing)) then { private _maxZeroing = 300 max (getNumber (_weaponConfig >> "maxZeroing")); private _maxDiscreteDistanceSize = count getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_newGuns select _x) >> "discreteDistance"); if (_maxDiscreteDistanceSize < 2 && {getNumber (_weaponConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_VerticalIncrement") != 0}) then { _maxVertical = [50, _maxZeroing]; _verticalIncrement = 50; }; } else { _verticalIncrement = getNumber (_weaponConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_VerticalIncrement"); _horizontalIncrement = getNumber (_weaponConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_HorizontalIncrement"); _maxVertical = getArray (_weaponConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_Vertical"); _maxHorizontal = getArray (_weaponConfig >> "ACE_ScopeAdjust_Horizontal"); }; TRACE_5("",_newGuns select _x,_verticalIncrement,_horizontalIncrement,_maxVertical,_maxHorizontal); (GVAR(scopeAdjust) select _x) set [0, _maxVertical]; (GVAR(scopeAdjust) select _x) set [1, _verticalIncrement]; (GVAR(scopeAdjust) select _x) set [2, _maxHorizontal]; (GVAR(scopeAdjust) select _x) set [3, _horizontalIncrement]; GVAR(canAdjustElevation) set [_x, (_verticalIncrement > 0) && (_maxVertical isNotEqualTo [0, 0])]; GVAR(canAdjustWindage) set [_x, (_horizontalIncrement > 0) && (_maxHorizontal isNotEqualTo [0, 0])]; }; // The optic or the weapon changed, reset the adjustment private _persistentZero = profileNamespace getVariable [format[QGVAR(PersistentZero_%1_%2), _newGuns select _x, _newOptics select _x], 0]; ((GVAR(scopeAdjust) select _x) select 0) params ["_minElevation", "_maxElevation"]; if (!(_persistentZero isEqualType 0) || {_persistentZero < _minElevation || _persistentZero > _maxElevation}) then { _persistentZero = 0; }; private _defaultElevation = [0, 300] select GVAR(simplifiedZeroing); if ((_adjustment select _forEachIndex) isNotEqualTo [_defaultElevation, 0, _persistentZero]) then { _adjustment set [_forEachIndex, [_defaultElevation, 0, _persistentZero]]; _updateAdjustment = true; }; } } forEach [0, 1, 2]; if (GVAR(correctZeroing) || GVAR(simplifiedZeroing)) then { if (_unitBaseAngle isNotEqualTo (_player getVariable [QGVAR(baseAngle), [0,0,0]])) then { TRACE_2("syncing",_unitBaseAngle,_player getVariable QGVAR(baseAngle)); _player setVariable [QGVAR(baseAngle), _unitBaseAngle, true]; }; if (_unitBoreHeight isNotEqualTo (_player getVariable [QGVAR(boreHeight), [0,0,0]])) then { TRACE_2("syncing",_unitBoreHeight,_player getVariable QGVAR(boreHeight)); _player setVariable [QGVAR(boreHeight), _unitBoreHeight, true]; }; }; if (_updateAdjustment) then { [ACE_player, QGVAR(Adjustment), _adjustment, 0.5] call EFUNC(common,setVariablePublic); }; GVAR(Optics) = _newOptics; GVAR(Guns) = _newGuns;