/* * Author: commy2 * Recalculate the units loadCoef to emulate a mass added to uniform, vest or backpack. * * Arguments: * 0: The Unit (usually the player) * * Return Value: * Nothing * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_unit"]; // add sum of virtual loads private _virtualLoad = 0; { _virtualLoad = _virtualLoad + (_x getVariable [QGVAR(vLoad), 0]); } forEach [ _unit, uniformContainer _unit, vestContainer _unit, backpackContainer _unit ]; // get absolute vanilla load private _absLoad = loadAbs _unit / load _unit; // try to preserve other changes to the "LoadCoef" unitTrait private _loadCoef = _unit getVariable QGVAR(loadCoef); if (isNil "_loadCoef") then { _loadCoef = _unit getUnitTrait "loadCoef"; _unit setVariable [QGVAR(loadCoef), _loadCoef, true]; }; // calc. new "virtual" loadCoef private _virtualLoadCoef = (1 + _virtualLoad / _absLoad) * _loadCoef; _unit setUnitTrait ["loadCoef", _virtualLoadCoef];