**Arma 3 Version:** `x.xx` (stable / rc / dev)
**CBA Version:** `3.x.x` (stable / dev + commit hash)
**ACE3 Version:** `3.x.x` (stable / dev + commit hash)

- CBA_A3
- ace

- Add a detailed description of the error. This makes it easier for us to fix the issue.

**Steps to reproduce:**
- Add the steps needed to reproduce the issue.

**Where did the issue occur?**
- Dedicated / Self-Hosted Multiplayer / Singleplayer / Editor (Singleplayer) / Editor (Multiplayer) / Virtual Arsenal

**Additional information:**
- Provide any additional information that will help us solve this issue.

**RPT log file:**
- Add a link ([gist](https://gist.github.com) or [pastebin](http://pastebin.com)) to the client and/or server RPT file. An instruction to find your RPT files can be found [here](https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Crash_Files#Arma_3).
- If possible at the time the bug is encountered, go to Options and select "ACE Debug To Clipboard", this will print extensive debug information to the RPT file and copy it to clipboard.