/* * Author: Glowbal * Updates the setting when the client has selected a new value. Saves to profilenamespace. * * Arguments: * 0: Update the keylist as well * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [false] call ACE_optionsmenu_fnc_settingsMenuUpdateList * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params [["_updateKeyView", true, [true]]]; disableSerialization; private _settingsMenu = uiNamespace getVariable 'ACE_settingsMenu'; private _ctrlList = _settingsMenu displayCtrl 200; lnbClear _ctrlList; private _selectedCategory = GVAR(categories) select GVAR(currentCategorySelection); switch (GVAR(optionMenu_openTab)) do { case (MENU_TAB_OPTIONS): { { if (_selectedCategory == "" || {_selectedCategory == (_x select 8)}) then { private _settingName = (_x select 3); private _settingsValue = _x select 9; // Created disable/enable options for bools private _settingsText = if ((_x select 1) == "BOOL") then { [(localize ELSTRING(common,No)), (localize ELSTRING(common,Yes))] select _settingsValue; } else { private _values = _x select 5; if !((!isNil "_values") && {_values isEqualType []} && {_settingsValue >= 0} && {_settingsValue < (count _values)}) exitWith { ERROR_3("Setting (%1) has bad values (%2) for index (%3)", _settingName, _values, _settingsValue); "ERROR" }; _values select _settingsValue; }; private _added = _ctrlList lnbAddRow [_settingName, _settingsText]; _ctrlList lnbSetValue [[_added, 0], _forEachIndex]; }; } forEach GVAR(clientSideOptions); }; case (MENU_TAB_COLORS): { { if (_selectedCategory == "" || {_selectedCategory == (_x select 8)}) then { private _color = +(_x select 9); { _color set [_forEachIndex, ((round (_x * 100))/100)]; } forEach _color; private _settingsColor = str _color; private _settingName = (_x select 3); private _added = _ctrlList lnbAddRow [_settingName, _settingsColor]; _ctrlList lnbSetColor [[_added, 1], (_x select 9)]; _ctrlList lnbSetValue [[_added, 0], _forEachIndex]; }; }forEach GVAR(clientSideColors); }; }; if (_updateKeyView) then { [] call FUNC(settingsMenuUpdateKeyView); };