/* * Author: Grey * Loads Magazine into static weapon * * Arguments: * 0: static <OBJECT> * 1: unit <OBJECT> * 2: magazine class to load; if not given the first compatible magazine is loaded <STRING> (default: "") * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [_target,_player,"ACE_1Rnd_82mm_Mo_HE"] call ace_mk6mortar_fnc_loadMagazine * * Public: Yes */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_static","_unit",["_magazineClassOptional","",[""]]]; //If function has been called with an optional classname hten add that magazine to the static weapon. Otherwise add the compatible magazine if(_magazineClassOptional != "") then { _unit removeMagazine _magazineClassOptional; [QGVAR(addMagazine), [_static, _magazineClassOptional]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; } else { //Get weapon & magazine information of static weapon private _weapon = (_static weaponsTurret [0]) select 0; private _currentMagazine = (magazinesAllTurrets _static) select 1; private _currentMagazineClass = _currentMagazine select 0; private _count = _currentMagazine select 2; //Check all of the players magazines to see if they are compatible with the static weapon. First magazine that is compatible is chosen //VKing: This section ought to be double checked. private _magazines = magazines _unit; private _magazineDetails = magazinesDetail _unit; private _listOfMagNames = getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "magazines"); private _magazineClass = ""; private _magazineClassDetails = ""; private _roundsLeft = 0; { if (_x in _listOfMagNames) exitWith { _magazineClass = _x; _magazineClassDetails = _magazineDetails select _forEachIndex; }; } forEach _magazines; //If the static weapon already has an empty magazine then remove it if (_count == 0) then { [QGVAR(removeMagazine), [_static, _currentMagazineClass]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; }; //Find out the ammo count of the compatible magazine found if (_magazineClassDetails != "") then{ private _parsed = _magazineClassDetails splitString "([]/: )"; _parsed params ["_type", "", "", "_roundsLeftText", "_maxRoundsText"]; _roundsLeft = parseNumber _roundsLeftText; _magType = _type; }; _unit removeMagazine _magazineClass; [QGVAR(addMagazine), [_static, _magazineClass]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; [QGVAR(setAmmo), [_static, _magazineClass,_roundsLeft], _static] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; };