#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Glowbal, mharis001 * Checks if one of the given items are present between the medic and patient. * Does not respect the priority defined by the allowSharedEquipment setting. * Will check medic first and then patient if shared equipment is allowed. * If medic or patient are in a vehicle then vehicle's inventory will also be checked. * * Arguments: * 0: Medic * 1: Patient * 2: Items * * Return Value: * Has Item * * Example: * [player, cursorObject, ["ACE_fieldDressing"]] call ace_medical_treatment_fnc_hasItem * * Public: No */ params ["_medic", "_patient", "_items"]; private _fnc_checkItems = { params ["_unit"]; private _unitItems = _unit call EFUNC(common,uniqueItems); private _unitVehicle = objectParent _unit; if (!isNull _unitVehicle) then { _unitItems append (itemCargo _unitVehicle); }; _items findIf {_x in _unitItems} != -1 }; _medic call _fnc_checkItems || {GVAR(allowSharedEquipment) != 2 && {_patient call _fnc_checkItems}}