/** * fn_findMagazine.sqf * @Descr: Find where the current magazines are. Order: uniform, vest, backpack, any. * @Author: Glowbal * * @Arguments: [unit OBJECT, magazine STRING (Classname of magazine)] * @Return: NUMBER 0 = none, 1 = in uniform, 2 = in vest, 3 = in backpack, 4 = found outside container * @PublicAPI: true */ private ["_unit","_magazine"]; _unit = _this select 0; _magazine = _this select 1; if (_magazine in (getMagazineCargo uniformContainer _unit)) exitwith {1}; if (_magazine in (getMagazineCargo vestContainer _unit)) exitwith {2}; if (_magazine in (getMagazineCargo backpackContainer _unit)) exitwith {3}; if (_magazine in (magazines _unit)) exitwith {4}; // in case it cannot be found in any other container. Most likely loaded in a weapon. // If we cannot find the item, return 0. 0;