/* * Author: Rocko and CAA-Picard * Calculates the current map illumination for a given unit * * Arguments: * 0: Unit * * Return Value: * 0: Does the map needs shading? * 1: Color of the overlay * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" EXPLODE_1_PVT(_this,_unit); private ["_isEnclosed","_nearObjects","_light","_ll","_flashlight"]; // Blend two colors _fnc_blendColor = { EXPLODE_3_PVT(_this,_c1,_c2,_alpha); [(_c1 select 0) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 0) * _alpha, (_c1 select 1) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 1) * _alpha, (_c1 select 2) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 2) * _alpha, (_c1 select 3) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 3) * _alpha] }; // Ambient light tint depending on time of day _lightTint = switch (true) do { case (sunOrMoon == 1.0) : { [0.5,0.5,0.5,1] }; case (sunOrMoon > 0.80) : {[[1.0 - overcast,0.2,0,1], [1,1,1,1], (sunOrMoon - 0.8)/0.2] call _fnc_blendColor}; case (sunOrMoon > 0.50) : {[[0,0,0.1,1], [1.0 - overcast,0.2,0,1], (sunOrMoon - 0.5)/0.3] call _fnc_blendColor}; case (sunOrMoon <= 0.5) : { [0,0,0.1,1] }; }; // Calculates overlay color from tint and light level _fnc_calcColor = { EXPLODE_2_PVT(_this,_c1,_lightLevel); if (_lightLevel < 0.5) then { _l = _lightLevel / 0.5; [(_c1 select 0) * _l, (_c1 select 1) * _l, (_c1 select 2) * _l, (_c1 select 3) * (1 - _lightLevel)] } else { _l = (_lightLevel - 0.5) / 0.5; [(_c1 select 0) * (1 - _l) + _l, (_c1 select 1) * (1 - _l) + _l, (_c1 select 2) * (1 - _l) + _l, (_c1 select 3) * (1 - _lightLevel)] }; }; _lightLevel = 0.04 + (0.96 * call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness)); // check if player has NVG enabled if (currentVisionMode _unit == 1) exitWith { // stick to nvg color [true, [154/255,253/255,177/255,0.5]] }; // Do not obscure the map if the ambient light level is above 0.95 if (_lightLevel > 0.95) exitWith { [false, [0.5,0.5,0.5,0]] }; // Do not obscure the map if the player is on a enclosed vehicle (assume internal illumination) if (vehicle _unit != _unit) then { // Player is in a vehicle if ((vehicle _unit) isKindOf "Tank") then { _isEnclosed = true; }; }; if (_isEnclosed) exitWith { TRACE_1("Player in a enclosed vehicle",""); [false, [1,1,1,0]] }; // Player is not in a vehicle TRACE_1("Player is on foot or in an open vehicle",""); // Check if player is near a campfires, lights or vehicles with lights on - 15m _nearObjects = [nearestObjects [_unit, ["All"], 15], {(inflamed _this) || (isLightOn _this)}] call EFUNC(common,filter); if (count (_nearObjects) > 0) then { _light = _nearObjects select 0; _ll = (1 - (((((_unit distance _light) - 5)/10) max 0) min 1)); if (_ll > _lightLevel) then { _lightLevel = _ll; TRACE_1("player near campfire",""); }; }; // Gun with light _nearObjects = [nearestObjects [_unit, ["CAManBase"], 10], { _this isFlashlightOn (currentWeapon _this)}] call EFUNC(common,filter); if (count (_nearObjects) > 0) then { _light = (_nearObjects select 0); _flashlight = (_light weaponAccessories currentMuzzle _light) select 1; // Check if it's a day laser if (_flashlight == "ACE_acc_pointer_red") exitWith {}; if (_flashlight == "ACE_acc_pointer_green") exitWith {}; _lightLevel = _lightLevel max (1 - (((((_unit distance _light) - 2)/8) max 0) min 1)); TRACE_1("Using gun light",""); }; // @todo: Illumination flares (timed) // Using chemlights _nearObjects = [_unit nearObjects ["SmokeShell", 4], { alive _this && {(typeOf _this == "Chemlight_red") || { (typeOf _this == "Chemlight_green") || { (typeOf _this == "Chemlight_blue") || { (typeOf _this == "Chemlight_yellow")}}}}}] call EFUNC(common,filter); if (count (_nearObjects) > 0) then { _light = _nearObjects select 0; _ll = (1 - ((((_unit distance _light) - 2)/2) max 0)) * 0.4; if (_ll > _lightLevel) then { _flareTint = switch (typeOf _light) do { case "Chemlight_red" : {[1,0,0,1]}; case "Chemlight_green" : {[0,1,0,1]}; case "Chemlight_blue" : {[0,0,1,1]}; case "Chemlight_yellow" : {[1,1,0,1]}; }; _lightTint = [_lightTint, _flareTint, (_ll - _lightLevel)/(1 - _lightLevel)] call _fnc_blendColor; _lightLevel = _ll; TRACE_1("player near chemlight",""); }; }; // Do not obscure the map if the ambient light level is above 0.95 if (_lightLevel > 0.95) exitWith { [false, [0.5,0.5,0.5,0]] }; // Calculate resulting map color [true, [_lightTint, _lightLevel] call _fnc_calcColor]