#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Dslyecxi, PabstMirror * PFEH to handle refreshing effects. * Updates UI scale on every frame, effects are updated less often. * * Arguments: * 1: PFEH ID * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [[], 1] call ace_nightvision_fnc_pfeh * * Public: No */ if ((currentVisionMode ACE_player) != 1) exitWith { GVAR(running) = false; [false] call FUNC(setupDisplayEffects); [GVAR(PFID)] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler; GVAR(PFID) = -1; (missionNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(firedEHs), []]) params [["_firedPlayerID", -1], ["_firedPlayerVehicleID", -1]]; TRACE_2("removing fired EHs",_firedPlayerID,_firedPlayerVehicleID); ["ace_firedPlayer", _firedPlayerID] call CBA_fnc_removeEventHandler, ["ace_firedPlayerVehicle", _firedPlayerVehicleID] call CBA_fnc_removeEventHandler, }; if (EGVAR(common,OldIsCamera)) exitWith { if (GVAR(running)) then { TRACE_2("pausing NVG for scripted camera",alive ACE_player,EGVAR(common,OldIsCamera)); GVAR(running) = false; [false] call FUNC(setupDisplayEffects); }; }; if (!GVAR(running)) then { TRACE_1("Un-Pausing", GVAR(paused)); GVAR(running) = true; [true] call FUNC(setupDisplayEffects); [] call FUNC(refreshGoggleType); }; // Scale Border / Hex BEGIN_COUNTER(borderScaling); private _scale = (call EFUNC(common,getZoom)) * 1.12513; if (!(GVAR(defaultPositionBorder) isEqualTo [])) then { // Prevents issues when "zooming out" on ultra wide monitors - The square mask would be narrower than the screen if (((GVAR(defaultPositionBorder) select 2) * _scale) < safeZoneW) then { _scale = safeZoneW / (GVAR(defaultPositionBorder) select 2); }; [(uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(titleDisplay)) displayCtrl 1000, GVAR(defaultPositionHex), _scale] call FUNC(scaleCtrl); [(uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(titleDisplay)) displayCtrl 1001, GVAR(defaultPositionBorder), _scale] call FUNC(scaleCtrl); // Fade out hexes with high zoom (optics are doing the magnifying, not the player "focusing in") ((uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(titleDisplay)) displayCtrl 1000) ctrlSetFade (linearConversion [4, 6, _scale, 0.2, 1, true]); }; END_COUNTER(borderScaling); if (CBA_missionTime < GVAR(nextEffectsUpdate)) then { // Update radial blur as it depends on zoom level, so should be changed each frame like the border/hex if (GVAR(ppeffectRadialBlur) != -1) then { GVAR(ppeffectRadialBlur) ppEffectAdjust [.005, .005, _scale * GVAR(nvgBlurRadius), _scale * .16]; GVAR(ppeffectRadialBlur) ppEffectCommit 0; }; // Need to rapidly update fog or it will try to resync from the server if (GVAR(fogScaling) > 0) then { 0 setFog GVAR(nvgFog); }; } else { // Redo full effects less often BEGIN_COUNTER(updateAllEffects); GVAR(nextEffectsUpdate) = CBA_missionTime + 5; // Detecting the efficiency of the nightvision. private _lightFinal = 0 max (moonIntensity - ((overcast * .8) min .275) - (rain * .5)); private _effectiveLight = _lightFinal * linearConversion [1, 3, GVAR(nvgGeneration), 0.25, 1]; private _effectMod = linearConversion [1, 3, GVAR(nvgGeneration), 1.5, 1]; // This has become a little weird. Basically means that lightfinal is unlikely to reach zero with any moon in the sky // buuut it just so happens that setting it like this means that the lighting progression from clear -> cloudy -> rainy works particularly well. private _grainFinal = linearConversion [1, 0, _effectiveLight, ST_NVG_GRAIN_MIN, ST_NVG_GRAIN_MAX, true]; private _blurFinal = _effectMod *_effectMod * linearConversion [1, 0, _effectiveLight, ST_NVG_BLUR_MIN, ST_NVG_BLUR_MAX, true]; private _brightFinal = linearConversion [0, 1, _effectiveLight, ST_NVG_BRIGHT_MIN, ST_NVG_BRIGHT_MAX, true]; private _contrastFinal = linearConversion [0, 1, _effectiveLight, ST_NVG_CONTRAST_MIN, ST_NVG_CONTRAST_MAX, true]; private _grainIntensityFinal = _effectMod * linearConversion [1, 0, _effectiveLight, ST_NVG_NOISEINTENSITY_MIN, ST_NVG_NOISEINTENSITY_MAX, true]; private _noiseSharpnessFinal = linearConversion [1, 0, _effectiveLight, ST_NVG_NOISESHARPNESS_MIN, ST_NVG_NOISESHARPNESS_MAX, true]; private _fogApply = linearConversion [0, 1, _effectiveLight, ST_NVG_MAXFOG, ST_NVG_MINFOG, true]; // Modify blur if looking down scope if ((cameraView == "GUNNER") && {[ACE_player] call CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon}) then { if (currentWeapon ACE_player == "") exitWith {}; if (currentWeapon ACE_player == primaryWeapon ACE_player) exitWith {_blurFinal = _blurFinal * linearConversion [0, 1, GVAR(aimDownSightsBlur), 1, ST_NVG_CAMERA_BLUR_SIGHTS_RIFLE]}; // Rifles are bad if (currentWeapon ACE_player == handgunWeapon ACE_player) exitWith {_blurFinal = _blurFinal * linearConversion [0, 1, GVAR(aimDownSightsBlur), 1, ST_NVG_CAMERA_BLUR_SIGHTS_PISTOL]}; // Pistols aren't so bad }; // Scale general effects based on ace_nightvision_effectScaling setting private _radialBlurPower = 0.0025 * GVAR(effectScaling); _brightFinal = linearConversion [0, 1, GVAR(effectScaling), 1, _brightFinal]; _contrastFinal = linearConversion [0, 1, GVAR(effectScaling), 1, _contrastFinal]; // Add adjusted NVG brightness private _playerBrightSetting = ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(NVGBrightness), 0]; _brightFinal = _brightFinal + (_playerBrightSetting / 20); // Scale grain effects based on ace_nightvision_noiseScaling setting _grainIntensityFinal = _grainIntensityFinal * GVAR(noiseScaling); _noiseSharpnessFinal = linearConversion [0, 1, GVAR(noiseScaling), 2.5, _noiseSharpnessFinal]; // Setup all effects // This is hacky but... works. This prevents the effects from being cancelled by various things - alt-tabbing, resizing, going into AT sights, etc. A nicer method would be welcome but I don't have time to spend on it. TODO. // FilmGrain - Electronic Noise // Params: [intensity(0..1), sharpness(0..20), grainsize(1..8), intensityX0, intensityX1, monochromatic(bool)] GVAR(ppeffectGrain) = ppEffectCreate ["FilmGrain", 200]; GVAR(ppeffectGrain) ppEffectAdjust [_grainIntensityFinal, _noiseSharpnessFinal, _grainFinal, 0.3, 0.3]; // OldNVG: [0.25, 2.5, 2.5, _grainSetting, _grainSetting, false] GVAR(ppeffectGrain) ppEffectCommit 0; GVAR(ppeffectGrain) ppEffectForceInNVG true; GVAR(ppeffectGrain) ppEffectEnable true; // RadialBlur - Blurs closer to the edge nvg border (radius based on GVAR(bluRadius) config; e.g. larger for quadtube) // Note: "Will not do anything if RADIAL BLUR is disabled in Video Options." - So should try to keep this effect to a minimum to prevent balance issues // Params: [powerX, powerY, offsetX, offsetY] if (GVAR(nvgBlurRadius) != -1) then { GVAR(ppeffectRadialBlur) = ppEffectCreate ["RadialBlur", 451]; GVAR(ppeffectRadialBlur) ppEffectAdjust [_radialBlurPower, _radialBlurPower, _scale * GVAR(nvgBlurRadius), _scale * .16]; GVAR(ppeffectRadialBlur) ppEffectCommit 0; GVAR(ppeffectRadialBlur) ppEffectForceInNVG true; GVAR(ppeffectRadialBlur) ppEffectEnable true; }; // ColorCorrections - Changes brightness, contrast and "green" color of nvg // Params: [brightness(0..2), contrast(0..inf), offset(-x..+x), blendArray, colorizeArray, weightArray] GVAR(ppeffectColorCorrect) = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 2003]; GVAR(ppeffectColorCorrect) ppEffectAdjust [_brightFinal, _contrastFinal, 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.3, 1.2, 0.0, 0.9], [6, 1, 1, 0.0]]; GVAR(ppeffectColorCorrect) ppEffectCommit 0; GVAR(ppeffectColorCorrect) ppEffectForceInNVG true; GVAR(ppeffectColorCorrect) ppEffectEnable true; // DynamicBlur - Increases overall screen blur when aiming down sights (which would be hard/impossible with NVG) // Params: [value(0..inf)] GVAR(ppeffectBlur) = ppEffectCreate ["DynamicBlur", 190]; GVAR(ppeffectBlur) ppEffectAdjust [_blurFinal]; GVAR(ppeffectBlur) ppEffectCommit 0; GVAR(ppeffectBlur) ppEffectForceInNVG true; GVAR(ppeffectBlur) ppEffectEnable true; // Modify local fog: if (GVAR(fogScaling) > 0) then { if (((vehicle ACE_player) != ACE_player) && {(vehicle ACE_player) isKindOf "Air"}) then { // For flying in particular, can refine nicer later. _fogApply = _fogApply * ST_NVG_AIR_FOG_MULTIPLIER; }; _fogApply = linearConversion [0, 1, GVAR(priorFog) select 0, (GVAR(fogScaling) * _fogApply), 1]; // mix in old fog if present GVAR(nvgFog) = [_fogApply, 0, 0]; 0 setFog GVAR(nvgFog) }; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL private _aceAmbient = [] call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness); hintSilent format [ "EffectiveLight %1\nLight: %2\nACE Ambient: %3\nBrightness: %4\nContrast: %5\nGrain: %6\nBlur: %7\nFog: %8\nScaling %9", _effectiveLight, _lightFinal, _aceAmbient, _brightFinal, _contrastFinal, [_grainIntensityFinal, _noiseSharpnessFinal, _grainFinal], _blurFinal, _fogApply, [GVAR(effectScaling), GVAR(fogScaling), GVAR(noiseScaling)] ]; #endif END_COUNTER(updateAllEffects); };