#include "..\script_component.hpp" #include "..\defines.hpp" /* * Author: Alganthe, johnb43 * onLoad EH for arsenal. * * Arguments: * 0: Not used * 1: Arguments <ARRAY> * - 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY> * * Return Value: * None * * Public: No */ params ["", "_args"]; _args params ["_display"]; //--------------- General vars if (isNil QGVAR(center)) then { GVAR(center) = player; }; GVAR(mouseButtonState) = [[], []]; if (isNil QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace)) then { GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) = true call CBA_fnc_createNamespace; publicVariable QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace); }; if (isNil {GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars)}) then { GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars), [], true]; }; if (isNil QGVAR(defaultLoadoutsList)) then { if (is3DEN) then { GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) = QGVAR(DummyCategory) get3DENMissionAttribute QGVAR(DefaultLoadoutsListAttribute); } else { GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) = []; }; }; if (isNil {profileNamespace getVariable QGVAR(saved_loadouts)}) then { profileNamespace setVariable [QGVAR(saved_loadouts), []]; }; if (isNil QGVAR(virtualItems)) then { private _virtualItems = [ [IDX_VIRT_WEAPONS, createHashMapFromArray [[IDX_VIRT_PRIMARY_WEAPONS, createHashMap], [IDX_VIRT_SECONDARY_WEAPONS, createHashMap], [IDX_VIRT_HANDGUN_WEAPONS, createHashMap]]], [IDX_VIRT_ATTACHMENTS, createHashMapFromArray [[IDX_VIRT_OPTICS_ATTACHMENTS, createHashMap], [IDX_VIRT_FLASHLIGHT_ATTACHMENTS, createHashMap], [IDX_VIRT_MUZZLE_ATTACHMENTS, createHashMap], [IDX_VIRT_BIPOD_ATTACHMENTS, createHashMap]]] ]; _virtualItems = createHashMapFromArray _virtualItems; for "_index" from IDX_VIRT_ITEMS_ALL to IDX_VIRT_MISC_ITEMS do { _virtualItems set [_index, createHashMap]; }; GVAR(virtualItems) = _virtualItems; // Flatten out hashmaps for easy checking later call FUNC(updateVirtualItemsFlat); }; // Includes items not in the arsenal but equipped on player GVAR(virtualItemsFlatAll) = +GVAR(virtualItemsFlat); GVAR(currentFace) = face GVAR(center); GVAR(currentVoice) = (speaker GVAR(center)) call EFUNC(common,getConfigName); GVAR(currentInsignia) = GVAR(center) call BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia; GVAR(currentAction) = "Stand"; GVAR(shiftState) = false; GVAR(currentStatPage) = 0; GVAR(statsInfo) = [true, controlNull, nil, nil]; GVAR(currentActionPage) = 0; GVAR(actionsInfo) = [controlNull, nil, nil]; // Update current item list call FUNC(updateCurrentItemsList); // Setup favorites button text and switch to default mode defined by setting [_display, _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonFavorites] call FUNC(buttonFavorites); GVAR(favorites) = profileNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(favorites), createHashMap]; // This takes care of unique inventory items and unique equipment (arsenal doesn't have items/equipment whitelisted) call FUNC(updateUniqueItemsList); [QGVAR(displayOpened), [_display]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; //--------------- Fade out unused elements private _mouseBlockCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_mouseBlock; _mouseBlockCtrl ctrlEnable false; { _x = _display displayCtrl _x; _x ctrlSetFade 1; _x ctrlShow false; _x ctrlCommit 0; } forEach [ IDC_blockRightFrame, IDC_blockRighttBackground, IDC_loadIndicator, IDC_rightTabContent, IDC_rightTabContentListnBox, IDC_sortRightTab, RIGHT_PANEL_ACC_BACKGROUND_IDCS, RIGHT_PANEL_ACC_IDCS, RIGHT_PANEL_ITEMS_BACKGROUND_IDCS, RIGHT_PANEL_ITEMS_IDCS, IDC_buttonRemoveAll, IDC_rightSearchbar ]; // Handle stats private _statsBoxCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_statsBox; _statsBoxCtrl ctrlSetPosition [ (0.5 - WIDTH_TOTAL / 2) + WIDTH_GAP, safezoneY + 1.8 * GRID_H, 47 * GRID_W, 11 * GRID_H ]; _statsBoxCtrl ctrlEnable false; _statsBoxCtrl ctrlCommit 0; // Handle actions private _actionsBoxCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_actionsBox; _actionsBoxCtrl ctrlSetPosition [ (0.5 - WIDTH_TOTAL / 2) + WIDTH_GAP, safezoneY + 58.6 * GRID_H, 47 * GRID_W, 11 * GRID_H ]; _actionsBoxCtrl ctrlCommit 0; // Disable import in MP if (isMultiplayer) then { private _importButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonImport; _importButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false; _importButtonCtrl ctrlSetFade 0.6; _importButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0; }; //--------------- Camera prep cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; showCommandingMenu ""; GVAR(cameraView) = cameraView; GVAR(center) switchCamera "internal"; [QUOTE(ADDON), [false, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true]] call EFUNC(common,showHud); private _mouseAreaCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_mouseArea; ctrlSetFocus _mouseAreaCtrl; private _centerPos = position GVAR(center); // 3DEN support, lifted from BIS_fnc_arsenal if (is3DEN) then { GVAR(centerOrigin) = GVAR(center); GVAR(centerOrigin) hideObject true; private _centerOriginParent = objectParent GVAR(centerOrigin); if !(isNull _centerOriginParent) then { _centerOriginParent hideObject true; }; GVAR(center) = createAgent [typeOf GVAR(centerOrigin), _centerPos, [], 0, "none"]; GVAR(center) setPosATL getPosATL GVAR(centerOrigin); GVAR(center) setDir (getDir GVAR(centerOrigin)); GVAR(center) switchMove animationState GVAR(centerOrigin); GVAR(center) switchAction "playerStand"; GVAR(center) enableSimulation false; [GVAR(center), GVAR(centerOrigin) call CBA_fnc_getLoadout] call CBA_fnc_setLoadout; //--- Create light for night editing (code based on BIS_fnc_3DENFlashlight) GVAR(light) = "#lightpoint" createVehicle _centerPos; GVAR(light) setLightBrightness 1; GVAR(light) setLightAmbient [1, 1, 1]; GVAR(light) setLightColor [0, 0, 0]; GVAR(light) lightAttachObject [GVAR(centerOrigin), [0, 0, -7]]; //--- Use the same vision mode as in Eden GVAR(visionMode) = -2 call BIS_fnc_3DENVisionMode; ["ShowInterface", false] spawn BIS_fnc_3DENInterface; if (get3DENActionState "toggleMap" > 0) then { do3DENAction "toggleMap"; }; private _ctrl = controlNull; { _ctrl = _display displayCtrl _x; _ctrl ctrlEnable false; _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0.6; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; } forEach [IDC_buttonFace, IDC_buttonVoice, IDC_buttonInsignia]; private _buttonCloseCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_menuBarClose; _buttonCloseCtrl ctrlSetText (localize "str_ui_debug_but_apply"); } else { GVAR(centerNotPlayer) = GVAR(center) != player; if (currentVisionMode ACE_Player == 1) then { GVAR(center) action ["NVGogglesOff", GVAR(center)]; }; private _ctrl = controlNull; { _ctrl = _display displayCtrl _x; _ctrl ctrlEnable GVAR(enableIdentityTabs); _ctrl ctrlSetFade ([0.6, 0] select GVAR(enableIdentityTabs)); _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; } forEach [IDC_buttonFace, IDC_buttonVoice, IDC_buttonInsignia]; }; //--------------- Prepare the left panel GVAR(currentLeftPanel) = nil; GVAR(currentRightPanel) = nil; GVAR(leftSearchbarFocus) = false; GVAR(rightSearchbarFocus) = false; GVAR(liveUpdateSearch) = false; GVAR(leftTabFocus) = false; GVAR(rightTabFocus) = false; GVAR(rightTabLnBFocus) = false; GVAR(ignoreFirstSortPanelCall) = false; GVAR(refreshing) = false; { private _panel = _display displayCtrl _x; _panel ctrlSetFontHeight (GVAR(fontHeight) * GRID_H); _panel ctrlCommit 0; } forEach [IDC_leftTabContent, IDC_rightTabContent, IDC_rightTabContentListnBox]; // Open left panel for current weapon, do some math GVAR(selectedWeaponType) = [primaryWeapon GVAR(center), secondaryWeapon GVAR(center), handgunWeapon GVAR(center), binocular GVAR(center)] find (currentWeapon GVAR(center)); if (GVAR(selectedWeaponType) == -1) then { GVAR(selectedWeaponType) = 0; // default to primary }; private _leftPanelIDC = [IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon, IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon, IDC_buttonHandgun, IDC_buttonBinoculars] select GVAR(selectedWeaponType); [_display, _display displayCtrl _leftPanelIDC] call FUNC(fillLeftPanel); //--------------- Init camera if (isNil QGVAR(cameraPosition)) then { GVAR(cameraPosition) = [5, 0, 0, [0, 0, 0.85]]; }; // Save curator camera state so camera position and direction are not modified while using arsenal private _curatorCamera = curatorCamera; if (!isNull _curatorCamera) then { GVAR(curatorCameraData) = [getPosASL _curatorCamera, [vectorDir _curatorCamera, vectorUp _curatorCamera]]; }; GVAR(cameraHelper) = createAgent ["Logic", _centerPos, [], 0, "none"]; GVAR(cameraHelper) attachTo [GVAR(center), GVAR(cameraPosition) select 3, ""]; GVAR(camera) = "camera" camCreate _centerPos; GVAR(camera) cameraEffect ["internal", "back"]; GVAR(camera) camPrepareFocus [-1, -1]; GVAR(camera) camPrepareFov 0.35; GVAR(camera) camCommitPrepared 0; showCinemaBorder false; ["#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)", false, nil, 0, [0, 0.5]] call BIS_fnc_textTiles; //--------------- Reset camera pos [nil, [controlNull, 0, 0]] call FUNC(handleMouse); GVAR(camPosUpdateHandle) = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {call FUNC(updateCamPos)}];