#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Glowbal, kymckay, mharis001 * Updates the body image for given target. * * Arguments: * 0: Body image controls group * 1: Target * 2: Body part * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [CONTROL, _target, 0] call ace_medical_gui_fnc_updateBodyImage * * Public: No */ params ["_ctrlGroup", "_target", "_selectionN"]; // Get tourniquets, damage, and blood loss for target private _tourniquets = GET_TOURNIQUETS(_target); private _fractures = GET_FRACTURES(_target); private _bodyPartDamage = _target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,bodyPartDamage), [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]; private _damageThreshold = GET_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD(_target); private _bodyPartBloodLoss = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; { private _partIndex = ALL_BODY_PARTS find _x; { _x params ["", "_amountOf", "_bleeding"]; _bodyPartBloodLoss set [_partIndex, (_bodyPartBloodLoss select _partIndex) + (_bleeding * _amountOf)]; } forEach _y; } forEach GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_target); { _x params ["_bodyPartIDC", "_selectedIDC", ["_tourniquetIDC", -1], ["_fractureIDC", -1]]; private _selected = _forEachIndex == _selectionN; private _ctrlSelected = _ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl _selectedIDC; _ctrlSelected ctrlSetTextColor GVAR(bodypartOutlineColor); _ctrlSelected ctrlShow _selected; // Show or hide the tourniquet icon if (_tourniquetIDC != -1) then { private _hasTourniquet = _tourniquets select _forEachIndex > 0; private _ctrlTourniquet = _ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl _tourniquetIDC; _ctrlTourniquet ctrlShow _hasTourniquet; }; // Show or hide fractrue/bones if (_fractureIDC != -1) then { private _ctrlBone = _ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl _fractureIDC; switch (_fractures select _forEachIndex) do { case 0: { _ctrlBone ctrlShow false; }; case 1: { _ctrlBone ctrlShow true; _ctrlBone ctrlSetTextColor [1, 0, 0, 1]; }; case -1: { if (EGVAR(medical,fractures) in [2, 3]) then { _ctrlBone ctrlShow true; _ctrlBone ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 1, 1]; } else { _ctrlBone ctrlShow false; }; }; }; }; // Update body part color based on blood loss and damage private _bloodLoss = _bodyPartBloodLoss select _forEachIndex; private _bodyPartColor = if (_bloodLoss > 0) then { [_bloodLoss] call FUNC(bloodLossToRGBA); } else { private _damage = _bodyPartDamage select _forEachIndex; switch (true) do { // torso damage threshold doesn't need scaling case (_forEachIndex > 3): { // legs: index 4 & 5 _damageThreshold = LIMPING_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD * 4; }; case (_forEachIndex > 1): { // arms: index 2 & 3 _damageThreshold = FRACTURE_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD * 4; }; case (_forEachIndex == 0): { // head: index 0 _damageThreshold = _damageThreshold * 1.25; }; default { // torso: index 1 _damageThreshold = _damageThreshold * 1.5 }; }; _damage = (_damage / (0.01 max _damageThreshold)) min 1; [_damage] call FUNC(damageToRGBA); }; private _ctrlBodyPart = _ctrlGroup controlsGroupCtrl _bodyPartIDC; _ctrlBodyPart ctrlSetTextColor _bodyPartColor; } forEach [ [IDC_BODY_HEAD, IDC_BODY_HEAD_S], [IDC_BODY_TORSO, IDC_BODY_TORSO_S], [IDC_BODY_ARMLEFT, IDC_BODY_ARMLEFT_S, IDC_BODY_ARMLEFT_T, IDC_BODY_ARMLEFT_B], [IDC_BODY_ARMRIGHT, IDC_BODY_ARMRIGHT_S, IDC_BODY_ARMRIGHT_T, IDC_BODY_ARMRIGHT_B], [IDC_BODY_LEGLEFT, IDC_BODY_LEGLEFT_S, IDC_BODY_LEGLEFT_T, IDC_BODY_LEGLEFT_B], [IDC_BODY_LEGRIGHT, IDC_BODY_LEGRIGHT_S, IDC_BODY_LEGRIGHT_T, IDC_BODY_LEGRIGHT_B] ]; [QGVAR(updateBodyImage), [_ctrlGroup, _target, _selectionN]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;