/* * Author: Garth 'L-H' de Wet * Causes the unit to defuse the passed explosive. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit * 1: Explosive * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [player, ACE_Interaction_Target] call ACE_Explosives_fnc_defuseExplosive; * * Public: Yes */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_unit", "_explosive"]; TRACE_2("params",_unit,_explosive); if (GVAR(ExplodeOnDefuse) && {(random 1.0) < (getNumber (ConfigFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> typeOf _explosive >> QGVAR(explodeOnDefuseChance)))}) exitWith { TRACE_1("exploding on defuse",_explosive); [_unit, -1, [_explosive, 1], true] call FUNC(detonateExplosive); [QGVAR(explodeOnDefuse), [_explosive, _unit]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; }; [QGVAR(defuse), [_explosive, _unit]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; if (!(_explosive isKindOf "UnderwaterMine_Range_Ammo")) then { _unit action ["Deactivate", _unit, _explosive]; } else { // Underwater naval mines don't seem to respond to the deactivate action // For now, lets just delete them deleteVehicle _explosive; };