#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Karel Moricky, johnb43 * Returns base weapon (weapon without any attachments), but it returns it in config sensitive case. * Same as BIS_fnc_baseWeapon, except config case and uses cache. * * Arguments: * 0: Weapon <STRING> * * Return Value: * Base weapon <STRING> * * Example: * ["arifle_AK12_GL_lush_arco_pointer_F"] call ace_arsenal_fnc_baseWeapon * * Public: Yes */ params [["_weapon", "", [""]]]; // Check if item is cached (uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(baseWeaponNameCache)) getOrDefaultCall [toLower _weapon, { private _cfgWeapons = configfile >> "CfgWeapons"; private _config = _cfgWeapons >> _weapon; // If class doesn't exist, exit if (!isClass _config) then { _weapon } else { // Get manual base weapon private _configBase = _cfgWeapons >> getText (_config >> "baseWeapon"); if (isClass _configBase) then { configName _configBase } else { private _className = _weapon; // Get first parent without any attachments; Only take weapons available to the arsenal // https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Characters_And_Gear_Encoding_Guide#Character_configuration // https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/pull/9040#issuecomment-1597748331 while {isClass _config && {getNumber (_config >> "scope") > 0 && {if (isNumber (_config >> "scopeArsenal")) then {getNumber (_config >> "scopeArsenal") == 2} else {true}}} && {getNumber (_config >> QGVAR(hide)) != 1}} do { if (count (_config >> "LinkedItems") == 0) exitWith { _className = configName _config; }; _config = inheritsFrom _config; }; _className }; }; }, true]