class CfgWeapons { class ACE_ItemCore; class InventoryItem_Base_F; class ACE_SpareBarrel: ACE_ItemCore { displayname = CSTRING(SpareBarrelName); descriptionshort = CSTRING(SpareBarrelDescription); //model = ""; picture = QUOTE(PATHTOF(UI\spare_barrel_ca.paa)); scope = 2; class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F { mass = 30; }; }; class RifleCore; class Rifle: RifleCore { //Mean Rounds Between Stoppages (this will be scaled based on the barrel temp) GVAR(mrbs) = 3000; //Dispersion Factor (this will be scaled based on the barrel temp) GVAR(dispersion) = 1; //Slowdown Factor (this will be scaled based on the barrel temp) GVAR(slowdownFactor) = 1; }; class Rifle_Base_F : Rifle {}; class Rifle_Long_Base_F : Rifle_Base_F { GVAR(dispersion) = 0.75; }; class arifle_MX_Base_F : Rifle_Base_F { // Custom jam clearing action. Default uses reload animation. ACE_clearJamAction = "GestureReloadMX"; }; class arifle_MX_SW_F : arifle_MX_Base_F { // Custom jam clearing action. Use empty string to undefine. ACE_clearJamAction = ""; // 1 to enable barrel swap. 0 to disable. Meant for machine guns where you can easily swap the barrel without dismantling the whole weapon. GVAR(allowSwapBarrel) = 1; GVAR(dispersion) = 0.75; }; class MMG_01_base_F: Rifle_Long_Base_F { GVAR(allowSwapBarrel) = 1; }; class MMG_02_base_F: Rifle_Long_Base_F { GVAR(allowSwapBarrel) = 1; }; class LMG_Zafir_F : Rifle_Long_Base_F { GVAR(allowSwapBarrel) = 1; }; class LMG_Mk200_F : Rifle_Long_Base_F { GVAR(allowSwapBarrel) = 1; }; };