#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: PabstMirror * Gets sub actions for what the unit can load into the CSW * * Arguments: * 0: Vehicle <OBJECT> * 1: Unit <OBJECT> * * Return Value: * Actions <ARRAY> * * Example: * [cursorObject, player] call ace_csw_fnc_getLoadActions * * Public: No */ params ["_vehicle", "_unit"]; private _loadableMagazines = [_vehicle, _unit] call FUNC(reload_getLoadableMagazines); if (_loadableMagazines isEqualTo []) exitWith {[]}; private _statement = { params ["_target", "_player", "_args"]; _args params ["_carryMag", "_turretPath", "", "_magSource"]; [_target, _turretPath, _carryMag, _magSource, _player] call FUNC(reload_loadMagazine); }; private _condition = { params ["_target", "_player", "_args"]; _args params ["_carryMag", "_turretPath", "", "_magSource"]; ([_target, _turretPath, _carryMag, _magSource] call FUNC(reload_canLoadMagazine)) select 0 }; private _cfgMagazines = configFile >> "CfgMagazines"; // micro-optimization private _actions = []; { _x params ["_carryMag", "", "_loadInfo"]; _loadInfo params ["", "", "", "_isBeltLinking"]; private _displayName = getText (_cfgMagazines >> _carryMag >> "displayName"); private _picture = getText (_cfgMagazines >> _carryMag >> "picture"); private _text = if (_isBeltLinking) then { format [LLSTRING(actionLink), _displayName]; } else { format [LLSTRING(loadX), _displayName]; }; private _action = [format ["load_%1", _forEachIndex], _text, _picture, _statement, _condition, {}, _x] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction); _actions pushBack [_action, [], _vehicle]; } forEach _loadableMagazines; TRACE_1("loadActions",count _actions); _actions