layout: wiki
title: Weapon Select
group: feature
parent: wiki

## 1. Overview

### 1.1 Holster weapon
Adds the ability to holster a weapon on the back.

### 1.2 Quick weapon select
Adds key bindings to quickly switch weapons while on foot or in a vehicle. (Unbound by default).

### 1.3 Quick vehicle engine on/off
Adds key bindings to quickly turn a vehicle engine on or off.

### 1.4 Grenade select
Changes the grenade selection key bindings to help prevent accidents.

## 2. Usage

### 2.1 Weapons

- Press <kbd>0</kbd> to holster and unholster a weapon. 
- When a weapon is holstered, the weapon fire button will not pull the weapon out. This can be used as an additional level of safety or as a role-playing feature.

Quick weapon selection is not bound by default, but can be bound in the controls menu under `ACE3 Weapons`.

Quick vehicle weapon selection is not bound by default, but can be bound in the controls menu under `ACE3 Vehicles`.

## 3. Dependencies
