#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Glowbal * Starts unloading item selected in the cargo menu. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit doing the unloading * 1: Index of Unloading Item (default: -1) * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [player, 1] call ace_cargo_fnc_startUnload * * Public: No */ disableSerialization; params [["_unit", objNull, [objNull]], ["_selected", -1, [0]]]; _item = _selected call FUNC(getSelectedItem); if (isNil "_item") exitWith {}; if (GVAR(interactionParadrop)) exitWith { // Close the cargo menu closeDialog 0; private _duration = GVAR(paradropTimeCoefficent) * (_item call FUNC(getSizeItem)); // If drop time is 0, don't show a progress bar if (_duration <= 0) exitWith { [QGVAR(paradropItem), [_item, GVAR(interactionVehicle)]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; }; // Start progress bar - paradrop // Delay execution by a frame, to avoid progress bar stopping prematurely because of the cargo menu still being open [EFUNC(common,progressBar), [ _duration, [_item, GVAR(interactionVehicle)], { [QGVAR(paradropItem), _this select 0] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; }, { params ["", "", "", "_errorCode"]; if (_errorCode == 3) then { // show warning if we failed because of flight conditions [LSTRING(unlevelFlightWarning)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; }, format [LLSTRING(unloadingItem), [_item, true] call FUNC(getNameItem), getText (configOf GVAR(interactionVehicle) >> "displayName")], { (_this select 0) params ["", "_vehicle"]; if ((acos ((vectorUp _vehicle) select 2)) > 30) exitWith {false}; // check flight level if (((getPos _vehicle) select 2) < 25) exitWith {false}; // check height if ((speed _vehicle) < -5) exitWith {false}; // check reverse true }, ["isNotSwimming", "isNotInside"], false ]] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame; }; // If in zeus if (!isNull curatorCamera) exitWith { // Do not check distance to unit, but do check for valid position if !([_item, GVAR(interactionVehicle), objNull, true] call FUNC(canUnloadItem)) exitWith { [[LSTRING(unloadingFailed), [_item, true] call FUNC(getNameItem)], 3] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; // Close the cargo menu closeDialog 1; ["ace_unloadCargo", [_item, GVAR(interactionVehicle)]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; }; // Start progress bar - normal ground unload if ([_item, GVAR(interactionVehicle), _unit] call FUNC(canUnloadItem)) then { // Close the cargo menu closeDialog 0; private _duration = GVAR(loadTimeCoefficient) * (_item call FUNC(getSizeItem)); // If unload time is 0, don't show a progress bar if (_duration <= 0) exitWith { ["ace_unloadCargo", [_item, GVAR(interactionVehicle), _unit]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; }; [ _duration, [_item, GVAR(interactionVehicle), _unit], { TRACE_1("unload finish",_this); ["ace_unloadCargo", _this select 0] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; }, { TRACE_1("unload fail",_this); }, format [LLSTRING(unloadingItem), [_item, true] call FUNC(getNameItem), getText (configOf GVAR(interactionVehicle) >> "displayName")], { (_this select 0) params ["_item", "_vehicle", "_unit"]; [_item, _vehicle, _unit, false, true] call FUNC(canUnloadItem) // don't check for a suitable unloading position every frame }, ["isNotSwimming"] ] call EFUNC(common,progressBar); } else { [[LSTRING(unloadingFailed), [_item, true] call FUNC(getNameItem)], 3] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); };