/* * Author: Jonpas * Sets basic visible elements of the UI using showHUD setter. * * Arguments: * 0: Force change even when disallowed (default: false) * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [false] call ace_ui_fnc_setElements * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" if (isArray (missionConfigFile >> "showHUD")) exitWith {}; params [ ["_force", false, [true]] ]; if (!_force && {!GVAR(allowSelectiveUI)}) exitWith { [LSTRING(Disallowed), 2] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; private _shownHUD = shownHUD; // [hud, info, radar, compass, direction, menu, group, cursors] ["ui", [ _shownHUD select 0, GVAR(soldierVehicleWeaponInfo), GVAR(vehicleRadar), GVAR(vehicleCompass), _shownHUD select 4, GVAR(commandMenu), GVAR(groupBar), _shownHUD select 7 ]] call EFUNC(common,showHud);