#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Glowbal * Spawns litter for the treatment action on the ground around the target * * Arguments: * 0: The Caller <OBJECT> * 1: The target <OBJECT> * 2: The treatment Selection Name <STRING> * 3: The treatment classname <STRING> * 4: ? * 5: Users of Items <?> * 6: Blood Loss on selection (previously called _previousDamage) <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * None * * Public: No */ #define MIN_ENTRIES_LITTER_CONFIG 3 params ["_caller", "_target", "_selectionName", "_className", "", "_usersOfItems", "_bloodLossOnSelection"]; TRACE_6("params",_caller,_target,_selectionName,_className,_usersOfItems,_bloodLossOnSelection); // Ensures comptibilty with other possible medical treatment configs private _previousDamage = _bloodLossOnSelection; // Exit if litter is disabled by setting if !(EGVAR(medical,allowLitterCreation)) exitWith {}; // Don't create litter if medic or patient are inside a vehicle if (vehicle _caller != _caller || {vehicle _target != _target}) exitWith {}; private _config = configFile >> QGVAR(Actions) >> _className; if !(isClass _config) exitWith {TRACE_1("No action config",_className);}; if !(isArray (_config >> "litter")) exitWith {TRACE_1("No litter config",_className);}; private _litter = getArray (_config >> "litter"); private _createLitter = { params ["_unit", "_litterClass"]; private _position = getPosASL _unit; // @TODO: handle carriers over water // For now, don't spawn litter if we are over water to avoid floating litter if (surfaceIsWater _position) exitWith {false}; _position = _position vectorAdd [ random 2 - 1, random 2 - 1, 0 ]; private _direction = random 360; // Create the litter, and timeout the event based on the cleanup delay // The cleanup delay for events in MP is handled by the server side TRACE_3("Creating Litter on server",_litterClass,_position,_direction); [QGVAR(createLitterServer), [_litterClass, _position, _direction]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent; true }; { if (count _x < MIN_ENTRIES_LITTER_CONFIG) then { WARNING_2("Wrong litter array: %1",_x); } else { _x params [ ["_selection", "", [""]], ["_litterCondition", "", [""]], ["_litterOptions", [], [[]]] ]; if (toLower _selection in [toLower _selectionName, "all"]) then { if (_litterCondition isEqualTo "") then { _litterCondition = {true}; } else { _litterCondition = compile _litterCondition; }; // existing configs seem to use carried over magic variables. we pass them as arguments (_this) anyway if !([_caller, _target, _selectionName, _className, _usersOfItems, _bloodLossOnSelection] call _litterCondition) exitWith {}; // Loop through through the litter options and place the litter { if (_x isEqualType "") then { [_target, _x] call _createLitter; }; if (_x isEqualType [] && {count _x > 0}) then { [_target, selectRandom _x] call _createLitter; }; } foreach _litterOptions; }; }; } foreach _litter;