#include "script_component.hpp" ADDON = false; PREP_RECOMPILE_START; #include "XEH_PREP.hpp" PREP_RECOMPILE_END; #include "initSettings.inc.sqf" if (!hasInterface) exitWith { ADDON = true; }; ["All", "init", {_this call FUNC(compileMenu)}] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; GVAR(ActNamespace) = [] call CBA_fnc_createNamespace; GVAR(ActSelfNamespace) = [] call CBA_fnc_createNamespace; // Compile actions for CAManBase now and use for all mans types ["CAManBase"] call FUNC(compileMenu); GVAR(cacheManActions) = +(GVAR(ActNamespace) getVariable ["CAManBase", []]); // copy // Event handlers for all interact menu controls DFUNC(handleMouseMovement) = { if ([GVAR(cursorKeepCentered), GVAR(cursorKeepCenteredSelfInteraction)] select GVAR(keyDownSelfAction)) then { GVAR(cursorPos) = GVAR(cursorPos) vectorAdd [_this select 1, _this select 2, 0] vectorDiff [0.5, 0.5, 0]; setMousePosition [0.5, 0.5]; } else { GVAR(cursorPos) = [_this select 1, _this select 2, 0]; }; }; DFUNC(handleMouseButtonDown) = { if !(GVAR(actionOnKeyRelease)) then { [GVAR(openedMenuType),true] call FUNC(keyUp); }; }; GVAR(keyDown) = false; GVAR(keyDownSelfAction) = false; GVAR(keyDownTime) = 0; GVAR(openedMenuType) = -1; GVAR(lastTime) = diag_tickTime; GVAR(rotationAngle) = 0; GVAR(selectedAction) = [[],[]]; GVAR(actionSelected) = false; GVAR(selectedTarget) = objNull; GVAR(menuDepthPath) = []; GVAR(lastPos) = [0,0,0]; GVAR(currentOptions) = []; GVAR(lastPath) = []; GVAR(expanded) = false; GVAR(startHoverTime) = diag_tickTime; GVAR(expandedTime) = diag_tickTime; // reset on mission load addMissionEventHandler ["Loaded", { GVAR(startHoverTime) = 0; GVAR(expandedTime) = 0; }]; GVAR(iconCtrls) = []; GVAR(iconCount) = 0; GVAR(collectedActionPoints) = []; GVAR(foundActions) = []; GVAR(lastTimeSearchedActions) = -1000; // Init zeus menu [] call FUNC(compileMenuZeus); // Handle addActionToClass with Inheritance flag set (CAManBase actions are seperated for speed) GVAR(inheritedActionsAll) = []; GVAR(inheritedClassesAll) = []; GVAR(inheritedActionsMan) = []; GVAR(inheritedClassesMan) = []; // Extended EH doesn't fire for dead units, so add interactions manually { private _type = typeOf _x; if (GVAR(inheritedClassesMan) pushBackUnique _type == -1) then { continue; }; { _x params ["_typeNum", "_parentPath", "_action"]; [_type, _typeNum, _parentPath, _action] call FUNC(addActionToClass); } forEach GVAR(inheritedActionsMan); } forEach allDeadMen; ["All", "InitPost", { BEGIN_COUNTER(InitPost); params ["_object"]; private _type = typeOf _object; if (GVAR(inheritedClassesAll) pushBackUnique _type == -1) exitWith { END_COUNTER(InitPost); }; { _x params ["_objectType", "_typeNum", "_parentPath", "_action"]; if (_object isKindOf _objectType) then { [_type, _typeNum, _parentPath, _action] call FUNC(addActionToClass); }; } forEach GVAR(inheritedActionsAll); END_COUNTER(InitPost); }] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; ["CAManBase", "InitPost", { BEGIN_COUNTER(InitPost); params ["_object"]; private _type = typeOf _object; if (GVAR(inheritedClassesMan) pushBackUnique _type == -1) exitWith { END_COUNTER(InitPost); }; { _x params ["_typeNum", "_parentPath", "_action"]; [_type, _typeNum, _parentPath, _action] call FUNC(addActionToClass); } forEach GVAR(inheritedActionsMan); END_COUNTER(InitPost); }, true, ["VirtualMan_F"]] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; ADDON = true;