#define DEBUG_MODE_FULL #include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: ACE-Team, Lambda.Tiger * This function will dump every ammo config that would generate ace_frag * fragments that could be fired from a weapon * * Arguments: * 0: Log ammo types that wouldn't normally frag * 1: Only export ammo classes of classes referenced in cfgAmmo * and their submunitions. * 2: Force a CSV format on debug print * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * call ace_frag_fnc_dev_debugAmmo * * Public: No */ params [ ["_logAll", false, [false]], ["_onlyShotAmmoTypes", false, [false]], ["_csvFormat", false, [false]] ]; diag_log text format ["~~~~~~~~~~~~~Start [%1]~~~~~~~~~~~~~", _this]; if (_csvFormat) then { diag_log text format ["ammo,gurney_c,gurney_m,gurney_k,gurney_gC,fragTypes,fragCount,Inheritance"]; }; // Gather all configs, either those that could be created from firing or all classes private _allAmmoConfigs = []; if (_onlyShotAmmoTypes) then { private _configSearchFunc = { params [ ["_ammo", "", [""]] ]; if (_ammo isEqualTo "" || {_ammo in _allAmmoConfigs}) exitWith {}; _allAmmoConfigs pushBack _ammo; private _subMunit = toLowerANSI getText (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "submunitionAmmo"); if (_subMunit isNotEqualTo "") then { _subMunit = getArray (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "submunitionAmmo"); for "_i" from 0 to count _subMunit - 1 do { if (_i mod 2 == 0) then { [toLowerANSI (_subMunit#_i)] call _configSearchFunc; }; }; } else { [toLowerANSI _subMunit] call _configSearchFunc; }; }; private _allMagazineConfigs = configProperties [configFile >> "cfgMagazines", "isClass _x", true]; { [toLowerANSI getText (_x >> "ammo")] call _configSearchFunc; } forEach _allMagazineConfigs; } else { _allAmmoConfigs = configProperties [configFile >> "cfgAmmo", "isClass _x && !('ace_frag' in configName _x)", true] apply {configName _x}; }; private _processedCfgAmmos = []; private _printCount = 0; { // Begin forEach to check each ammo type private _ammo = _x; if (_ammo != "" && {!(_ammo in _processedCfgAmmos)}) then { _processedCfgAmmos pushBack _ammo; private _ammoConfig = (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> _ammo); private _shoulFrag = [_ammo] call FUNC(shouldFrag); if (_shoulFrag || _logAll) then { private _warn = false; private _fragTypes = getArray (_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(CLASSES)); if (_fragTypes isEqualTo []) then {_warn = true;}; private _c = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(CHARGE)); if (_c == 0) then {_warn = true;}; private _m = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(METAL)); if (_m == 0) then {_warn = true;}; private _k = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(GURNEY_K)); if (_k == 0) then {_warn = true;}; private _gC = getNumber(_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(GURNEY_C)); if (_gC == 0) then {_warn = true;}; private _fragCount = getNumber (_ammoConfig >> QGVAR(fragCount)); if (_fragCount == 0) then {_fragCount = 200; _warn = true;}; if (_warn) then { INC(_printCount); if (_csvFormat) then { diag_log text format ["%7,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%8", _c, _m, _k, _gC, _fragTypes, _fragCount, _ammo, [_ammoConfig, true] call BIS_fnc_returnParents]; } else { diag_log text format ["Ammo [%1] MISSING frag configs:", _ammo]; diag_log text format [" _c=%1,_m=%2,_k=%3,_gC=%4,_fragTypes=%5,_fragCount=%6", _c, _m, _k, _gC, _fragTypes, _fragCount]; }; }; }; }; } forEach _allAmmoConfigs; diag_log text format ["~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End [%1-%2]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", count _allAmmoConfigs, count _processedCfgAmmos]; diag_log text format ["~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Printed: %1~~~~~~~~~~~", _printCount];