/* Name: AGM_Explosives_fnc_openTimerSetUI Author: Garth de Wet (LH) Description: Opens the UI for timer setting of an explosive Parameters: 0: String - Magazine Returns: Nothing Example: [player] call AGM_Explosives_fnc_openTimerSetUI; */ private ["_mag"]; _mag = _this select 0; createDialog "RscAGM_SelectTimeUI"; sliderSetRange [8845, 5, 900]; // 5seconds - 15minutes sliderSetPosition [8845, 30]; buttonSetAction [8860, format["[AGM_player, '%1', 'Timer', floor(sliderPosition 8845)] call AGM_Explosives_fnc_SetupExplosive;closeDialog 0;", _mag]]; buttonSetAction [8855, format["['%1'] call AGM_Explosives_fnc_openTriggerSelectionUI;", _mag]]; ctrlSetText [8870, format[localize "STR_AGM_Explosives_TimerMenu",0, 30]];