# Please see the comments for each option. Most options can be left
# off for sane defaults.

# Default make target

# Project name (with @ symbol)
# This is used for naming the release files.
# Default: Current folder name
project = @ace

# Path to project secret key for signing
# Make sure this isn't in your public repository!
# Default: None
# key = D:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\DSSignFile Tools\keys\ace_preAlpha.biprivatekey

# If set to True, the make system will attempt to autodetect addons in the
# current folder by looking for directories with 'config.cpp' in them.
# Default: True
# module_autodetect = True

# List of directories to ignore when autodetecting addons.
# Default: release
# ignore = release, my_unfinished_module

# If autodetect is set to False, only folders whose names are in this list
# will be built as modules.
# Default: None
# modules = my_module, my_supporting_module

# This is the folder hierarchy that will be used as prefix inside the PBO.
# Default: None
prefix = z\ace\addons

# Set the location where the addon source folders (i.e. P:\z\ace\addons)
# Default: <work_drive>\<prefix>\addons
module_root = P:\z\ace\addons

# Directory where the built addon will be saved.
# Default: release
release_dir = P:\z\ace\release

# This string will be prefixed to all build PBO file names.
# Default: None
pbo_name_prefix = ace_

# Which build tool will be used? Options: pboproject, addonbuilder
# Default: addonbuilder
build_tool = pboproject

# Alternate build target using a different key
# [DifferentKey]
# key = C:\Keys\different.biprivatekey

# Alternate build target ignoring some modules when detecting
# [IgnoreSome]
# key = C:\Keys\different.biprivatekey
# ignore = release, my_server_module, my_private_module

# Alternate build target with fixed build list
# [Fixed]
# module_autodetect = False
# modules = my_module, my_other_module