--- layout: wiki title: Interaction component: interaction core_component: true description: Provides basic interaction options. group: feature category: interaction parent: wiki mod: ace version: major: 3 minor: 0 patch: 0 --- ## 1. Overview This provides interaction options between units, vehicles, buildings and objects. Some of the zeus actions are also available (while in zeus) in the interaction menu (remote control, group management). ## 2. Usage ### 2.1 Opening the self interaction menu - Press and hold <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>⊞ Win</kbd> (ACE3 default). ### 2.2 Opening the interaction menu - Press and hold <kbd>⊞ Win</kbd> (ACE3 default). ### 2.3 Using the zeus interactions - Units - Select the unit(s). - Open the interaction menu. - Select `Units`. - Select the stance (works for multiple units) or remote control. - Groups - Select a group by clicking on the icon hovering above it's squad leader, to select multiple squads press and hold <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>. - Open the interaction menu. - Select `Groups`. - From here you can select the speed / formation / behavior of all the units of the group(s). - Waypoints - Select a waypoint by clicking on it, same as above press and hold <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> to select multiple. - Open the interaction menu. - Select `Waypoints`. - From here you can modify the speed / formation / behavior of the units / groups that are moving to that waypoint.