 * Author: CAA-Picard
 * Load a setting from config if it was not previosuly forced. Force if neccesary.
 * Arguments:
 * 0: Config entry (config entry)
 * Return Value:
 * None
 * Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"


_fnc_getValueWithType = {

    _value = getNumber (_optionEntry >> "value");
    TRACE_3("_fnc_getValueWithType:", configName _optionEntry, _typeName, _value);
    if (_typeName == "BOOL") exitWith {
        _value > 0
    if (_typeName == "STRING") exitWith {
        getText (_optionEntry >> "value")
    if (_typeName == "ARRAY") exitWith {
        getArray (_optionEntry >> "value")
    if (_typeName == "COLOR") exitWith {
        getArray (_optionEntry >> "value")

_name = configName _optionEntry;

// Check if the variable is already defined
if (isNil _name) then {
    // That setting was not loaded yet

    // Get type from config
    _typeName = getText (_optionEntry >> "typeName");
    if (_typeName == "") then {
        _typeName = "SCALAR";

    // Read entry and cast it to the correct type
    _value = [_optionEntry, _typeName] call _fnc_getValueWithType;

    // Init the variable
    missionNamespace setVariable [_name, _value];

    // Add the setting to a list on the server
    // Set the variable to not forced
    /*_settingData = [
    _settingData = [
        (getNumber (_optionEntry >> "isClientSetable")) > 0,
        getText (_optionEntry >> "displayName"),
        getText (_optionEntry >> "description"),
        getArray (_optionEntry >> "values"),
        getNumber (_optionEntry >> "force") > 0,

    GVAR(settings) pushBack _settingData;

} else {
    // The setting already exists.

    // Check if it's already forced and quit
    _settingData = [_name] call FUNC(getSettingData);
    if (_settingData select 6) exitWith {};

    // The setting is not forced, so update the value

    // Get the type from the existing variable
    _typeName = _settingData select 1;

    // Read entry and cast it to the correct type
    _value = [_optionEntry, _typeName] call _fnc_getValueWithType;

    // Update the variable
    missionNamespace setVariable [_name, _value];

    // Force the setting if requested
    if (getNumber (_optionEntry >> "force") > 0) then {
        _settingData set [6, true];