/* * Author: CAA-Picard * * Return true if the position is inside the map marker (to allow dragging). * * Argument: * 0: x Position (in meters) * 1: y Position (in meters) * * Return value: * Boolean */ #define TEXTURE_WIDTH_IN_M 6205 #define DIST_BOTTOM_TO_CENTER_PERC -0.33 #define DIST_TOP_TO_CENTER_PERC 0.65 #define DIST_LEFT_TO_CENTER_PERC 0.30 if (AGM_Map_mapToolsShown == 0) exitWith {false}; _textureWidth = [TEXTURE_WIDTH_IN_M, TEXTURE_WIDTH_IN_M / 2] select (AGM_Map_mapToolsShown - 1); _pos = [_this select 0, _this select 1, 0]; _relPos = _pos vectorDiff [AGM_Map_pos select 0, AGM_Map_pos select 1, 0]; _dirVector = [sin(AGM_Map_angle), cos(AGM_Map_angle), 0]; // Projection of the relative position over the longitudinal axis of the map tool _lambdaLong = _dirVector vectorDotProduct _relPos; if (_lambdaLong < DIST_BOTTOM_TO_CENTER_PERC * _textureWidth) exitWith {false}; // Projection of the relative position over the trasversal axis of the map tool _lambdaTrasAbs = vectorMagnitude (_relPos vectorDiff (_dirVector vectorMultiply _lambdaLong)); if (_lambdaLong > DIST_TOP_TO_CENTER_PERC * _textureWidth) exitWith {false}; if (_lambdaTrasAbs > DIST_LEFT_TO_CENTER_PERC * _textureWidth) exitWith {false}; true