/* Author: KoffeinFlummi Do I really need to explain what this does?! */ _unit = _this select 0; if !(local _unit) exitWith {}; _unit setVariable ["tf_globalVolume", 1]; _unit setVariable ["tf_voiceVolume", 1, True]; _unit setVariable ["tf_unable_to_use_radio", False, True]; _unit setVariable ["acre_sys_core_isDisabled", False, True]; _unit setVariable ["acre_sys_core_globalVolume", 1]; if ("AGM_Unconscious" in ([_unit] call AGM_Core_fnc_getCaptivityStatus)) then { [_unit, "AGM_Unconscious", false] call AGM_Core_fnc_setCaptivityStatus; }; _unit setVariable ["AGM_isDiagnosed", False, True]; // Is the unit diagnosed? _unit setVariable ["AGM_canTreat", True, False]; // Can unit treat others? _unit setVariable ["AGM_isTreatable", True, True]; // Can unit be treated/diagnosed? _unit setVariable ["AGM_Blood", 1, True]; // Amount of blood in the body. _unit setVariable ["AGM_isBleeding", False, True]; // Is the unit losing blood? (Rate is determined by damage.) _unit setVariable ["AGM_Painkiller", 1, True]; // How much painkillers the guy is on. (smaller = more) _unit setVariable ["AGM_Pain", 0, True]; // Amount of pain the unit is in. _unit setVariable ["AGM_isUnconscious", False, True]; // figure it out _unit setVariable ["AGM_Unconscious", False, True]; // deprecated since v0.95 _unit setVariable ["AGM_isOverdosing", False]; _unit setVariable ["AGM_Transporting", objNull]; if !(_unit getVariable ["AGM_NoRadio_isMuted", false]) then { [_unit] call AGM_Core_fnc_unmuteUnit; }; _unit spawn { while {alive _this} do { [_this] call AGM_Medical_fnc_itemCheck; sleep 1; }; };