/* * Author: Glowbal * Handles the bandage of a patient. * * Arguments: * 0: The patient * 1: Treatment classname * * * Return Value: * Succesful treatment started * * Public: Yes */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_target", "_bandage", "_part", "_openWounds", "_config", "_effectiveness","_mostEffectiveInjury", "_mostEffectiveSpot", "_woundEffectivenss", "_mostEffectiveInjury", "_impact"]; _target = _this select 0; _bandage = _this select 1; // Ensure it is a valid bodypart _part = [_selectionName] call FUNC(selectionNameToNumber); if (_part < 0) exitwith {}; // Get the open wounds for this unit _openWounds = _target getvariable [QGVAR(openWounds), []]; if (count _openWounds == 0) exitwith {}; // nothing to do here! // Get the default effectiveness for the used bandage _config = (ConfigFile >> "ACE_Medical_Advanced" >> "Treatment" >> "Bandaging"); _effectiveness = getNumber (_config >> "effectiveness"); if (isClass (_config >> _bandage)) then { _config = (_config >> _bandage); if (isNumber (_config >> "effectiveness")) then { _effectiveness = getNumber (_config >> "effectiveness");}; }; // Figure out which injury for this bodypart is the best choice to bandage _mostEffectiveSpot = 0; _effectivenessFound = 0; _mostEffectiveInjury = _openWounds select 0; { // Only parse injuries that are for the selected bodypart. if (_x select 2 == _part) then { _woundEffectivenss = _effectiveness; // Check if this wound type has attributes specified for the used bandage if (isClass (_config >> (_x select 1))) then { // Collect the effectiveness from the used bandage for this wound type _woundTreatmentConfig = (_config >> (_x select 1)); if (isNumber (_woundTreatmentConfig >> "effectiveness")) then { _woundEffectivenss = getNumber (_woundTreatmentConfig >> "effectiveness"); }; }; // Check if this is the currently most effective found. if (_woundEffectivenss * ((_x select 4) * (_x select 3)) > _effectivenessFound * ((_mostEffectiveInjury select 4) * (_mostEffectiveInjury select 3))) then { _effectivenessFound = _woundEffectivenss; _mostEffectiveSpot = _foreachIndex; _mostEffectiveInjury = _x; }; }; }foreach _openWounds; if (_effectivenessFound == 0) exitwith {}; // Seems everything is patched up on this body part already.. // TODO refactor this part // Find the impact this bandage has and reduce the amount this injury is present _impact = if ((_mostEffectiveInjury select 3) >= _effectivenessFound) then {_effectivenessFound} else { (_mostEffectiveInjury select 3) }; _mostEffectiveInjury set [ 3, ((_mostEffectiveInjury select 3) - _effectivenessFound) max 0]; _openWounds set [_mostEffectiveSpot, _mostEffectiveInjury]; _target setvariable [QGVAR(openWounds), _openWounds]; ["medical_propagateWound", [_unit, _mostEffectiveInjury]] call EFUNC(common,globalEvent); // Handle the reopening of bandaged wounds if (_impact > 0) then { // TODO handle reopening of bandaged wounds // [_target, _impact, _part,_highestSpot, _removeItem] call FUNC(handleBandageOpening); }; // If all wounds have been bandaged, we will reset all damage to 0, so the unit is not showing any blood on the model anymore. if (count _openWounds == 0) then { _target setDamage 0; // TODO also set hitpoints to 0 }; true;