/* * Author: Jonpas * Sets advanced visible element of the UI using displays and controls. * * Arguments: * 0: Element Name <STRING> * 1: Show/Hide Element <BOOL> * 2: Show Hint <BOOL> * 3: Force change even when disallowed <BOOL> (default: false) * * Return Value: * Successfully Set <BOOL> * * Example: * _successfullySet = ["ammoCount", true, false] call ace_ui_fnc_setAdvancedElement * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_element", "_show", ["_showHint", false, [true]], ["_force", false, [true]] ]; private _cachedElement = GVAR(configCache) getVariable _element; if (isNil "_cachedElement") exitWith {}; if (!_force && {!GVAR(allowSelectiveUI)}) exitWith { [LSTRING(Disallowed), 2] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); false }; _cachedElement params ["_idd", "_elements", "_location", "_conditions"]; // Exit if main vehicle type condition not fitting private _canUseWeapon = ACE_player call CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon; if ((_canUseWeapon && {_location == 2}) || {!_canUseWeapon && {_location == 1}}) exitWith {false}; // Get setting from config API { if (!call (_x select 0)) exitWith { // Display and print info which component forced the element except for default vehicle check if (_showHint) then { [LSTRING(Disabled), 2] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); ACE_LOGINFO_2("Attempted modification of a forced User Interface element '%1' by '%2'.",_element,_x select 1); }; _show = false; }; } count _conditions; // Get setting from scripted API if (!_force) then { private _setElement = GVAR(elementsSet) getVariable _element; if (!isNil "_setElement") then { _setElement params ["_sourceSet", "_showSet"]; if (_showHint) then { [LSTRING(Disabled), 2] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); ACE_LOGINFO_2("Attempted modification of a forced User Interface element '%1' by '%2'.",_element,_sourceSet); }; _show = _showSet; }; }; _show = [1, 0] select _show; // Disable/Enable elements private _success = false; { private _idc = _x; // Loop through IGUI displays as they can be present several times for some reason { if (_idd == ctrlIDD _x) then { //TRACE_3("Setting Element Visibility",_show,_idd,_idc); (_x displayCtrl _idc) ctrlSetFade _show; (_x displayCtrl _idc) ctrlCommit 0; _success = true; }; } count (uiNamespace getVariable "IGUI_displays"); nil } count _elements; _success