#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: GitHawk, QuantX * Refuels the vehicle. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit <OBJECT> * 1: Vehicle <OBJECT> * 2: Nozzle <OBJECT> * 3: Connection Point <ARRAY> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [bob, kevin, nozzle, [2, 1, 5]] call ace_refuel_fnc_refuel * * Public: No */ params [["_unit", objNull, [objNull]], ["_sink", objNull, [objNull]], ["_nozzle", objNull, [objNull]], ["_connectToPoint", [0,0,0], [[]], 3]]; private _config = configOf _sink; private _rate = if (isNumber (_config >> QGVAR(flowRate))) then { getNumber (_config >> QGVAR(flowRate)) * GVAR(rate) } else { // Jerry cans for example have no flow rate defined, default to 1 GVAR(rate) }; // How much fuel is in a vehicle's fuel tank private _maxFuelTank = getNumber (_config >> QGVAR(fuelCapacity)); // Fall back to vanilla fuelCapacity value (only air and sea vehicles don't have this defined by default by us) // Air and sea vehicles have that value properly defined in liters, unlike ground vehicles which is is formula of (range * tested factor) - different fuel consumption system than ground vehicles if (_maxFuelTank == 0) then { _maxFuelTank = getNumber (_config >> "fuelCapacity"); }; [{ params ["_args", "_pfID"]; _args params [["_source", objNull, [objNull]], ["_sink", objNull, [objNull]], ["_unit", objNull, [objNull]], ["_nozzle", objNull, [objNull]], ["_rate", 1, [0]], ["_maxFuelTank", 1, [0]], ["_connectFromPoint", [0,0,0], [[]], 3], ["_connectToPoint", [0,0,0], [[]], 3]]; if !(_nozzle getVariable [QGVAR(isConnected), false]) exitWith { [_pfID] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler; }; // Quit if target or fuel tank got destroyed if (!alive _source || {!alive _sink}) exitWith { [objNull, _nozzle] call FUNC(disconnect); [_pfID] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler; }; // Quit if hose distance was exceeded private _hoseLength = _source getVariable [QGVAR(hoseLength), GVAR(hoseLength)]; private _tooFar = ((_sink modelToWorld _connectToPoint) distance (_source modelToWorld _connectFromPoint)) > (_hoseLength - 2); if (_tooFar && {!(_nozzle getVariable [QGVAR(jerryCan), false])}) exitWith { [LSTRING(Hint_TooFar), 2, _unit] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); [objNull, _nozzle] call FUNC(disconnect); [_pfID] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler; }; // Main fueling process private _finished = false; private _fueling = _nozzle getVariable [QGVAR(isRefueling), false]; if (_fueling) then { private _refuelContainer = _nozzle getVariable [QGVAR(refuelContainer), false]; // Use special cargo refuel rate when refueling containers // TODO: Add flow dedicated input/output flow rates for every container and use the lower of the two instead if (_refuelContainer) then {_rate = GVAR(cargoRate)}; // Calculate rate using mission time to take time acceleration and pause into account private _addedFuel = _rate * (CBA_missionTime - (_nozzle getVariable [QGVAR(lastTickMissionTime), CBA_missionTime])); _nozzle setVariable [QGVAR(lastTickMissionTime), CBA_missionTime]; // Figure out exactly how much fuel to transfer while being sure not to take too much from source private _fuelInSource = [_source] call FUNC(getFuel); if (([_source] call FUNC(getCapacity)) != REFUEL_INFINITE_FUEL) then { if (_addedFuel > _fuelInSource) then { _addedFuel = _fuelInSource; _fuelInSource = 0; _finished = true; [LSTRING(Hint_SourceEmpty), 2, _unit] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); } else { _fuelInSource = _fuelInSource - _addedFuel; }; }; private _fuelInSink = (if (_refuelContainer) then { [_sink] call FUNC(getFuel) } else { // How full the gas tank is. We keep our own record, since `fuel _sink` doesn't update quick enough (_nozzle getVariable [QGVAR(tempFuel), fuel _sink]) * _maxFuelTank }) + _addedFuel; // Add fuel to target while being sure not to put too much into sink private _maxFuelContainer = [_sink] call FUNC(getCapacity); private _maxFuel = [_maxFuelTank, _maxFuelContainer] select _refuelContainer; if (_fuelInSink >= _maxFuel) then { // Put any extra fuel back _fuelInSource = _fuelInSource + (_fuelInSink - _maxFuel); _addedFuel = _maxFuel - _fuelInSink; // We're done _fuelInSink = _maxFuel; _finished = true; [LSTRING(Hint_Completed), 2, _unit] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; if (_refuelContainer) then { [_sink, _fuelInSink] call FUNC(setFuel); } else { private _fillRatio = _fuelInSink / _maxFuelTank; [QEGVAR(common,setFuel), [_sink, _fillRatio], _sink] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; _nozzle setVariable [QGVAR(tempFuel), _fillRatio]; }; // Increment fuel counter _source setVariable [QGVAR(fuelCounter), (_source getVariable [QGVAR(fuelCounter), 0]) + _addedFuel, true]; [QGVAR(tick), [_source, _sink, _addedFuel, _refuelContainer]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; [_source, _fuelInSource] call FUNC(setFuel); } else { _nozzle setVariable [QGVAR(tempFuel), fuel _sink]; }; // Reset variables when done if (_finished) then { [QGVAR(stopped), [_source, _sink]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; _nozzle setVariable [QGVAR(lastTickMissionTime), nil]; _nozzle setVariable [QGVAR(isRefueling), false, true]; }; }, 1, [ _nozzle getVariable QGVAR(source), _sink, _unit, _nozzle, _rate, _maxFuelTank, _nozzle getVariable [QGVAR(attachPos), [0,0,0]], _connectToPoint ]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;