/* * Author: esteldunedain * Removes a magazine from the unit that has an specific ammo count * * Argument: * 0: Player <OBJECT> * 1: Magazine <STRING> * 2: Ammo count <NUMBER> * * Return value: * None */ #include "script_component.hpp" EXPLODE_3_PVT(_this,_player,_magazineType,_ammoCount); private ["_magazines","_index","_isRemoved"]; _isRemoved = false; // Check uniform _magazines = [magazinesAmmoCargo uniformContainer _player, {_this select 0 == _magazineType}] call FUNC(filter); _index = _magazines find [_magazineType,_ammoCount]; if (_index > -1) exitWith { { _player removeItemFromUniform (_x select 0); } forEach _magazines; { if (!_isRemoved && (_x isEqualTo [_magazineType,_ammoCount])) then { _isRemoved = true; } else { (uniformContainer _player) addMagazineAmmoCargo [_x select 0, 1, _x select 1]; }; } forEach _magazines; }; // Check vest _magazines = [magazinesAmmoCargo vestContainer _player, {_this select 0 == _magazineType}] call FUNC(filter); _index = _magazines find [_magazineType,_ammoCount]; if (_index > -1) exitWith { { _player removeItemFromVest (_x select 0); } forEach _magazines; { if (!_isRemoved && (_x isEqualTo [_magazineType,_ammoCount])) then { _isRemoved = true; } else { (vestContainer _player) addMagazineAmmoCargo [_x select 0, 1, _x select 1]; }; } forEach _magazines; }; // Check backpack _magazines = [magazinesAmmoCargo backpackContainer _player, {_this select 0 == _magazineType}] call FUNC(filter); _index = _magazines find [_magazineType,_ammoCount]; if (_index > -1) exitWith { { _player removeItemFromBackpack (_x select 0); } forEach _magazines; { if (!_isRemoved && (_x isEqualTo [_magazineType,_ammoCount])) then { _isRemoved = true; } else { (backpackContainer _player) addMagazineAmmoCargo [_x select 0, 1, _x select 1]; }; } forEach _magazines; };