/* * Author: KoffeinFlummi * Callback when the bandaging treatment is complete * * Arguments: * 0: The medic <OBJECT> * 1: The patient <OBJECT> * 2: Selection Name <STRING> * 3: Treatment classname <STRING> * * Return Value: * nil * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" #define BANDAGEHEAL 0.8 private ["_caller", "_target","_selection","_className","_target","_hitSelections","_hitPoints","_point"]; _caller = _this select 0; _target = _this select 1; _selection = _this select 2; _className = _this select 3; if (_selection == "all") then { _target setDamage ((damage _target - BANDAGEHEAL) max 0); } else { _hitSelections = ["head", "body", "hand_l", "hand_r", "leg_l", "leg_r"]; _hitPoints = ["HitHead", "HitBody", "HitLeftArm", "HitRightArm", "HitLeftLeg", "HitRightLeg"]; _point = _hitPoints select (_hitSelections find _selection); _damage = ((_target getHitPointDamage _point) - BANDAGEHEAL) max 0; [_target, _point, _damage] call FUNC(setHitPointDamage); // @todo: leg/arm damage - in setHitPointDamage? };