/* * Author: Glowbal * Local callback for checking the blood pressure of a patient * * Arguments: * 0: The medic * 1: The patient * * Return Value: * NONE * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_caller","_target","_bloodPressure","_bloodPressureHigh","_bloodPressureLow", "_logOutPut", "_output"]; _caller = _this select 0; _target = _this select 1; _bloodPressure = [_target] call FUNC(getBloodPressure); if (!alive _target) then { _bloodPressure = [0,0]; }; _bloodPressureHigh = _bloodPressure select 1; _bloodPressureLow = _bloodPressure select 0; _output = ""; _logOutPut = ""; if ([_caller] call FUNC(isMedic)) then { _output = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Output_1); _logOutPut = format["%1/%2",round(_bloodPressureHigh),round(_bloodPressureLow)]; } else { if (_bloodPressureHigh > 20) then { _output = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Output_2); _logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Low); if (_bloodPressureHigh > 100) then { _output = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Output_3); _logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Normal); if (_bloodPressureHigh > 160) then { _output = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Output_4); _logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_High); }; }; } else { if (random(10) > 3) then { _output = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Output_5); _logOutPut = localize LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_NoBloodpressure); } else { _output = LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Output_6); }; }; }; ["displayTextStructured", [_caller], [[_output, [_target] call EFUNC(common,getName), round(_bloodPressureHigh),round(_bloodPressureLow)], 1.75, _caller]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent); if (_logOutPut != "") then { [_target,"activity", localize LSTRING(Check_Bloodpressure_Log), [[_caller] call EFUNC(common,getName), _logOutPut]] call FUNC(addToLog); };