/* * Author: commy2 * Tests the the player can climb. * * Arguments: * 0: The Unit (usually the player) <OBJECT> * * Return Value: * The return value <BOOL> * * Example: * [player] call ace_movement_fnc_canClimb * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_pos", "_dir"]; PARAMS_1(_unit); _pos = getPosASL _unit; _dir = getDir _unit; _dir = [sin _dir, cos _dir, 0]; private ["_checkPos0beg", "_checkPos0end", "_checkPos1beg", "_checkPos1end"]; _checkPos0beg = _pos vectorAdd [0, 0, 0.9]; _checkPos0end = _checkPos0beg vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply 1.3); _checkPos1beg = _pos vectorAdd [0, 0, 1.75]; _checkPos1end = _checkPos1beg vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply 1.3); _checkPos2beg = _pos vectorAdd [0.3 * (_dir select 1), 0.3 * -(_dir select 0), 2.0]; _checkPos2end = _checkPos2beg vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply 1.3); _checkPos3beg = _pos vectorAdd [-0.2 * (_dir select 1), -0.2 * -(_dir select 0), 2.0]; _checkPos3end = _checkPos3beg vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply 1.3); _checkPos4beg = _pos vectorAdd [0.3 * (_dir select 1), 0.3 * -(_dir select 0), 1.5]; _checkPos4end = _checkPos4beg vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply 1.3); _checkPos5beg = _pos vectorAdd [-0.2 * (_dir select 1), -0.2 * -(_dir select 0), 1.5]; _checkPos5end = _checkPos5beg vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply 1.3); /* drawLine3D [ASLToATL _checkPos0beg, ASLToATL _checkPos0end, [0,1,0,1]]; drawLine3D [ASLToATL _checkPos1beg, ASLToATL _checkPos1end, [1,0,0,1]]; drawLine3D [ASLToATL _checkPos2beg, ASLToATL _checkPos2end, [1,0.5,0.5,1]]; drawLine3D [ASLToATL _checkPos3beg, ASLToATL _checkPos3end, [1,0.5,0.5,1]]; drawLine3D [ASLToATL _checkPos4beg, ASLToATL _checkPos4end, [1,0.5,0.5,1]]; drawLine3D [ASLToATL _checkPos5beg, ASLToATL _checkPos5end, [1,0.5,0.5,1]]; */ lineIntersects [_checkPos0beg, _checkPos0end] && {!(lineIntersects [_checkPos1beg, _checkPos1end])} && {!(lineIntersects [_checkPos2beg, _checkPos2end])} && {!(lineIntersects [_checkPos3beg, _checkPos3end])} && {!(lineIntersects [_checkPos4beg, _checkPos4end])} && {!(lineIntersects [_checkPos5beg, _checkPos5end])}