#include "..\script_component.hpp" #include "..\defines.hpp" /* * Author: Alganthe * Handles keyboard inputs inside the searchbars text boxes. * * Arguments: * 0: Loadouts display <DISPLAY> * 1: Searchbar control <CONTROL> * * Return Value: * None * * Public: No */ params ["_display", "_control"]; private _contentPanelCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_contentPanel; // Get the currently selected item in panel private _selectedLoadoutIndex = lnbCurSelRow _contentPanelCtrl; private _selectedLoadout = ""; // If something is selected, save it if (_selectedLoadoutIndex != -1) then { _selectedLoadout = _contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_selectedLoadoutIndex, 1]; }; private _searchString = ctrlText _control; // Don't refill if there is no need if (GVAR(lastSearchTextLoadouts) != "" && {(_searchString find GVAR(lastSearchTextLoadouts)) != 0}) then { [_display, _display displayCtrl GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab)] call FUNC(fillLoadoutsList); }; GVAR(lastSearchTextLoadouts) = _searchString; // If nothing searched, quit here if (_searchString != "") then { _searchString = toLower _searchString; private _loadoutName = ""; private _loadout = []; private _currentTab = str GVAR(currentLoadoutsTab); // Go through all items in panel and see if they need to be deleted or not for "_lbIndex" from (lnbSize _contentPanelCtrl select 0) - 1 to 0 step -1 do { _loadoutName = toLower (_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_lbIndex, 1]); // Remove item in panel if it doesn't match search, skip otherwise if ((_loadoutName == "") || {!(_searchString in _loadoutName)}) then { _contentPanelCtrl lnbDeleteRow _lbIndex; }; }; }; // Try to select previously selected item again, otherwise select nothing if (_selectedLoadoutIndex != -1) then { private _index = -1; for "_lbIndex" from 0 to (lnbSize _contentPanelCtrl select 0) - 1 do { if ((_contentPanelCtrl lnbText [_lbIndex, 1]) == _selectedLoadout) exitWith { _index = _lbIndex; }; }; _contentPanelCtrl lnbSetCurSelRow _index; } else { _contentPanelCtrl lnbSetCurSelRow -1; };