/* * Author: commy2 * * Returns array of crew member objects. * * Argument: * 0: Vehicle (Object) * 1: Slot types. Can contain "driver", "commander", "gunner", "turret", "cargo" and "ffv". Case sensitive (Array) * * Return value: * Crew (Array) */ private ["_vehicle", "_types", "_crew"]; _vehicle = _this select 0; _types = _this select 1; _crew = []; // iterate through all crew members { // this unit is in a ffv position. check if we search for ffv. if (_x select 4) then { if ("ffv" in _types) then { _crew pushBack (_x select 0); }; } else { // otherwise check if we search for that type. toLower, because fullCrew returns "driver" vs. "Turret". if (toLower (_x select 1) in _types) then { _crew pushBack (_x select 0); }; }; } forEach fullCrew _vehicle; _crew