#include "script_component.hpp" #include "..\defines.hpp" /* * Author: Alganthe * Fill right panel. * * Arguments: * 0: Arsenal display * 1: Tab control * * Return Value: * None * * Public: No */ params ["_display", "_control"]; private _ctrlIDC = ctrlIDC _control; // Fade old control background if (!isNil QGVAR(currentRightPanel)) then { private _previousCtrlBackground = _display displayCtrl (GVAR(currentRightPanel) - 1); _previousCtrlBackground ctrlSetFade 1; _previousCtrlBackground ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY; }; // Show new control background private _ctrlBackground = _display displayCtrl (_ctrlIDC - 1); _ctrlBackground ctrlShow true; _ctrlBackground ctrlSetFade 0; _ctrlBackground ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY; private _searchbarCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_rightSearchbar; if (!(ctrlShown _searchbarCtrl) || {ctrlFade _searchbarCtrl > 0}) then { _searchbarCtrl ctrlShow true; _searchbarCtrl ctrlSetFade 0; _searchbarCtrl ctrlCommit 0; }; private _fnc_fill_right_Container = { params ["_configCategory", "_className", "_isMagazine", ["_isUnique", false, [false]]]; private _cacheNamespace = _ctrlPanel; private _cachedItemInfo = _cacheNamespace getVariable [_configCategory+_className, []]; // Not in cache. So get info and put into cache if (_cachedItemInfo isEqualTo []) then { private _configPath = configFile >> _configCategory >> _className; _cachedItemInfo set [0, getText (_configPath >> "displayName")]; _cachedItemInfo set [1, getText (_configPath >> "picture")]; _cachedItemInfo set [2, [getNumber (_configPath >> "itemInfo" >> "mass"), getNumber (_configPath >> "mass")] select _isMagazine]; _cacheNamespace setVariable [_configCategory+_className, _cachedItemInfo]; }; _cachedItemInfo params ["_displayName","_picture", "_mass"]; private _lbAdd = _ctrlPanel lnbAddRow ["", _displayName, "0"]; private _columns = count lnbGetColumnsPosition _ctrlPanel; _ctrlPanel lnbSetData [[_lbAdd, 0], _x]; _ctrlPanel lnbSetPicture [[_lbAdd, 0], _picture]; _ctrlPanel lnbSetValue [[_lbAdd, 0], _mass]; _ctrlPanel setVariable [_x, _mass]; _ctrlPanel lnbSetValue [[_lbAdd, 2], [0, 1] select (_isUnique)]; _ctrlPanel lbSetTooltip [_lbAdd * _columns,format ["%1\n%2", _displayName, _x]]; }; // Retrieve compatible mags private _compatibleItems = []; private _compatibleMagazines = [[[], []], [[], []], [[], []]]; { if (_x != "") then { private _weaponConfig = (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x); private _index = _forEachIndex; { private _subIndex = _forEachIndex min 1; { ((_compatibleMagazines select _index) select _subIndex) pushBackUnique (configName (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x)) } foreach ([getArray (_weaponConfig >> _x >> "magazines"), getArray (_weaponConfig >> "magazines")] select (_x == "this")); // Magazine groups { private _magazineGroups = uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(magazineGroups),["#CBA_HASH#",[],[],[]]]; private _magArray = [_magazineGroups, toLower _x] call CBA_fnc_hashGet; {((_compatibleMagazines select _index) select _subIndex) pushBackUnique _x} forEach _magArray; } foreach ([getArray (_weaponConfig >> _x >> "magazineWell"), getArray (_weaponConfig >> "magazineWell")] select (_x == "this")); } foreach getArray (_weaponConfig >> "muzzles"); }; } foreach [primaryWeapon GVAR(center), handgunWeapon GVAR(center), secondaryWeapon GVAR(center)]; private _itemsToCheck = []; private _compatibleMagsPrimaryMuzzle = []; private _compatibleMagsSecondaryMuzzle = []; private _allCompatibleMags = []; { _allCompatibleMags append (_x select 0); _allCompatibleMags append (_x select 1); } foreach _compatibleMagazines; private _ctrlPanel = _display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContent; switch (GVAR(currentLeftPanel)) do { case IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon : { _compatibleMagsPrimaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 0 select 0; _compatibleMagsSecondaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 0 select 1; _compatibleItems = (primaryWeapon GVAR(center)) call bis_fnc_compatibleItems; _itemsToCheck = GVAR(currentItems) select 18; }; case IDC_buttonHandgun : { _compatibleMagsPrimaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 1 select 0; _compatibleMagsSecondaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 1 select 1; _compatibleItems = (handgunWeapon GVAR(center)) call bis_fnc_compatibleItems; _itemsToCheck = GVAR(currentItems) select 20; }; case IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon : { _compatibleMagsPrimaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 2 select 0; _compatibleMagsSecondaryMuzzle = _compatibleMagazines select 2 select 1; _compatibleItems = (secondaryWeapon GVAR(center)) call bis_fnc_compatibleItems; _itemsToCheck = GVAR(currentItems) select 19; }; case IDC_buttonUniform; case IDC_buttonVest; case IDC_buttonBackpack : { _ctrlPanel = _display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox; }; }; // Force a "refresh" animation of the panel _ctrlPanel ctrlSetFade 1; _ctrlPanel ctrlCommit 0; _ctrlPanel ctrlSetFade 0; _ctrlPanel ctrlCommit FADE_DELAY; _itemsToCheck = _itemsToCheck apply {toLower _x}; _compatibleItems = _compatibleItems apply {toLower _x}; lbClear (_display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox); lbClear (_display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContent); (_display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox) lbSetCurSel -1; (_display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContent) lbSetCurSel -1; private _leftPanelState = GVAR(currentLeftPanel) in [IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon, IDC_buttonHandgun, IDC_buttonSecondaryWeapon]; if (_ctrlIDC in [RIGHT_PANEL_ACC_IDCS, IDC_buttonCurrentMag, IDC_buttonCurrentMag2] && {_leftPanelState}) then { private _addEmpty = _ctrlPanel lbadd format [" <%1>",localize "str_empty"]; _ctrlPanel lbsetvalue [_addEmpty, -1]; }; switch (_ctrlIDC) do { case IDC_buttonOptic : { if (_leftPanelState) then { { ["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem); } foreach (_compatibleItems arrayIntersect (((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 0) apply {toLower _x})); } else { { ["CfgWeapons", _x, false] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 0); { ["CfgWeapons", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 0); }; }; case IDC_buttonItemAcc : { if (_leftPanelState) then { { ["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem); } foreach (_compatibleItems arrayIntersect (((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 1) apply {toLower _x})); } else { { ["CfgWeapons", _x, false] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 1); { ["CfgWeapons", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 1); }; }; case IDC_buttonMuzzle : { if (_leftPanelState) then { { ["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem); } foreach (_compatibleItems arrayIntersect (((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 2) apply {toLower _x})); } else { { ["CfgWeapons", _x, false] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 2); { ["CfgWeapons", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 2); }; }; case IDC_buttonBipod : { if (_leftPanelState) then { { ["CfgWeapons", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem); } foreach (_compatibleItems arrayIntersect (((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 3) apply {toLower _x})); } else { { ["CfgWeapons", _x, false] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 1) select 3); { ["CfgWeapons", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 22) select 3); }; }; case IDC_buttonCurrentMag : { if (_leftPanelState) then { { ["CfgMagazines", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem); } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 2) arrayIntersect _compatibleMagsPrimaryMuzzle); }; }; case IDC_buttonCurrentMag2 : { if (_leftPanelState) then { { ["CfgMagazines", _x, _ctrlPanel] call FUNC(addListBoxItem); } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 2) arrayIntersect _compatibleMagsSecondaryMuzzle); }; }; case IDC_buttonMag : { { ["CfgMagazines", _x, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 2) arrayIntersect _allCompatibleMags); { ["CfgMagazines", _x, true, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach ((GVAR(virtualItems) select 19) arrayIntersect _allCompatibleMags); }; case IDC_buttonMagALL : { { ["CfgMagazines", _x, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 2); { ["CfgMagazines", _x, true, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 19); }; case IDC_buttonThrow : { { ["CfgMagazines", _x, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 15); { ["CfgMagazines", _x, true, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 20); }; case IDC_buttonPut : { { ["CfgMagazines", _x, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 16); { ["CfgMagazines", _x, true, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 21); }; case IDC_buttonMisc : { { ["CfgWeapons", _x, false] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 17); { ["CfgWeapons", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 18); { ["CfgVehicles", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 23); { ["CfgGlasses", _x, false, true] call _fnc_fill_right_Container; } foreach (GVAR(virtualItems) select 24); }; }; (_display displayCtrl IDC_rightSearchbar) ctrlSetText ""; GVAR(currentRightPanel) = _ctrlIDC; [QGVAR(rightPanelFilled), [_display, GVAR(currentLeftPanel), _ctrlIDC]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; // Add current items and change progress bar if (GVAR(currentLeftPanel) in [IDC_buttonUniform, IDC_buttonVest, IDC_buttonBackpack]) then { private _maxLoad = 0; private _container = switch (GVAR(currentLeftPanel)) do { case IDC_buttonUniform : { (_display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar) progressSetPosition (loadUniform GVAR(center)); _maxLoad = gettext (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> uniform GVAR(center) >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass"); uniformItems GVAR(center) }; case IDC_buttonVest : { (_display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar) progressSetPosition (loadVest GVAR(center)); _maxLoad = gettext (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> vest GVAR(center) >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass"); vestItems GVAR(center) }; case IDC_buttonBackpack : { (_display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar) progressSetPosition (loadBackpack GVAR(center)); _maxLoad = backpack GVAR(center); backpackItems GVAR(center) }; }; for "_l" from 0 to ((lnbsize _ctrlPanel select 0) - 1) do { private _class = _ctrlPanel lnbData [_l, 0]; _ctrlPanel lnbSetText [[_l, 2], ["0", str ({_x == _class} count _container)] select (_class in _container)]; }; [_ctrlPanel, _maxLoad] call FUNC(updateRightPanel); }; // Sorting private _sortRightCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_sortRightTab; private _sortRightCurSel = lbCurSel _sortRightCtrl; if (lbSize _sortRightCtrl == 3) then { _sortRightCtrl lbDelete 2; }; if (_leftPanelState) then { _sortRightCtrl lbDelete 1; _sortRightCtrl lbAdd (localize "STR_a3_rscdisplayarsenal_sort_mod"); _sortRightCtrl lbSetValue [1, 1]; _sortRightCtrl lbSetCurSel ([0, _sortRightCurSel] select (_sortRightCurSel != 2)); } else { _sortRightCtrl lbDelete 1; _sortRightCtrl lbAdd localize LSTRING(sortByWeightText); _sortRightCtrl lbSetValue [1, 1]; _sortRightCtrl lbAdd localize LSTRING(sortByAmountText); _sortRightCtrl lbSetValue [2, 2]; _sortRightCtrl lbSetCurSel _sortRightCurSel; }; [_sortRightCtrl, _sortRightCtrl lbValue (lbCurSel _sortRightCtrl)] call FUNC(sortPanel); // Select current data if not in a container if !(_itemsToCheck isEqualTo []) then { for "_lbIndex" from 0 to (lbSize _ctrlPanel - 1) do { private _currentData = _ctrlPanel lbData _lbIndex; if ((_currentData != "") && {tolower _currentData in _itemsToCheck}) exitWith { _ctrlPanel lbSetCurSel _lbIndex; }; }; if (lbCurSel _ctrlPanel < 0) then { _ctrlPanel lbSetCurSel 0; }; };