#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Pterolatypus * Returns the armor value the given item provides to a particular hitpoint, either from a cache or by reading the item config. * * Arguments: * 0: Item Class <STRING> * 1: Hitpoint <STRING> * * Return Value: * Item armor for the given hitpoint <NUMBER> * * Example: * ["V_PlateCarrier_rgr", "HitChest"] call ace_medical_engine_fnc_getItemArmor * * Public: No */ params ["_item", "_hitpoint"]; private _key = format ["%1$%2", _item, _hitpoint]; private _armor = GVAR(armorCache) get _key; if (isNil "_armor") then { TRACE_2("Cache miss",_item,_hitpoint); if ("" in [_item, _hitpoint]) exitWith { _armor = 0; GVAR(armorCache) set [_key, _armor]; }; private _itemInfo = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> "ItemInfo"; if (getNumber (_itemInfo >> "type") == TYPE_UNIFORM) then { private _unitCfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> getText (_itemInfo >> "uniformClass"); if (_hitpoint == "#structural") then { // TODO: I'm not sure if this should be multiplied by the base armor value or not _armor = getNumber (_unitCfg >> "armorStructural"); } else { private _entry = _unitCfg >> "HitPoints" >> _hitpoint; _armor = getNumber (_unitCfg >> "armor") * (1 max getNumber (_entry >> "armor")); }; } else { private _condition = format ["getText (_x >> 'hitpointName') == '%1'", _hitpoint]; private _entry = configProperties [_itemInfo >> "HitpointsProtectionInfo", _condition] param [0, configNull]; _armor = getNumber (_entry >> "armor"); }; GVAR(armorCache) set [_key, _armor]; }; _armor // return