#include "..\script_component.hpp"
 * Author: Alganthe
 * Text statement for the magazine ammo muzzle velocity stat.
 * Arguments:
 * 0: Type what it is here <TYPE> (unused)
 * 1: Item config path <CONFIG>
 * Return Value:
 * Display text <STRING>
 * Public: No

params ["", "_configMagazine"];

if (EGVAR(arsenal,currentLeftPanel) == 2002) then {
    private _primaryMag = primaryWeaponMagazine EGVAR(arsenal,center);
    [primaryWeapon EGVAR(arsenal,center), _primaryMag param [0, ""]]
} else {
    private _primaryMag = handgunMagazine EGVAR(arsenal,center);
    [handgunWeapon EGVAR(arsenal,center), _primaryMag param [0, ""]]
} params ["_weapon", "_magazine"];

// we might be looking at random mags not related to our weapon
private _magIsForCurrentWeapon = (configName _configMagazine == _magazine) && {_weapon != ""};
private _configWeapon = configNull;

private _muzzleVelocity = getNumber (_configMagazine >> "initSpeed");
private _initSpeedCoef = 0;
if (_magIsForCurrentWeapon) then {
    _configWeapon = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon;
    _initSpeedCoef = getNumber (_configWeapon >> "initSpeed");
if (_initSpeedCoef < 0) then {
    _muzzleVelocity = _muzzleVelocity * -_initSpeedCoef;
if (_initSpeedCoef > 0) then {
    _muzzleVelocity = _initSpeedCoef;

private _abAdjustText = "";
if (
    _magIsForCurrentWeapon &&
    {missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,enabled), false]} &&
    {missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled), false]} // this can be on while AB is off or vice-versa
) then {
    private _configAmmo = (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (getText (_configMagazine >> "ammo")));
    private _barrelLength = getNumber (_configWeapon >> "ACE_barrelLength");
    private _muzzleVelocityTable = getArray (_configAmmo >> "ACE_muzzleVelocities");
    private _barrelLengthTable = getArray (_configAmmo >> "ACE_barrelLengths");
    private _abShift = [_barrelLength, _muzzleVelocityTable, _barrelLengthTable, 0] call EFUNC(advanced_ballistics,calculateBarrelLengthVelocityShift);
    if (_abShift != 0) then {
        _abAdjustText = " [AB]";
        _muzzleVelocity = _abShift;
format ["%1 m/s (%2 ft/s)%3", _muzzleVelocity toFixed 0, (_muzzleVelocity * 3.28084) toFixed 0, _abAdjustText]