#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: joko, Jonas, kymckay * Cache reserve parachute on player unit when their inventory changes and add it when they open their parachute * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * 0: Unit <OBJECT> * * Example: * [player] call ace_parachute_fnc_handleReserve * * Public: No */ params ["_unit"]; private _backpack = backpackContainer _unit; if ( isNull _backpack && {(vehicle _unit) isKindOf "ParachuteBase"} && {GETVAR(_unit,GVAR(hasReserve),false)} ) then { // Case where unit has just opened parachute and reserve should be added _unit addBackpackGlobal GETVAR(_unit,GVAR(backpackClass),"ACE_NonSteerableReserveParachute"); SETVAR(vehicle _unit,GVAR(canCut),true); // Mark the parachute cuttable since reserve is present } else { // Case where inventory has changed otherwise (including when reserve is added) private _backpackCfg = configOf _backpack; private _hasReserve = getNumber (_backpackCfg >> "ace_hasReserveParachute") == 1; // Cache reserve parachute state and class when backpack changes SETVAR(_unit,GVAR(hasReserve),_hasReserve); if (_hasReserve) then { SETVAR(_unit,GVAR(backpackClass),getText (_backpackCfg >> "ace_reserveParachute")); } else { SETVAR(_unit,GVAR(backpackClass),""); }; };