/* * Author: commy2 * * Add a custom event to a unit. The event scripts are called by GVAR(fnc_callCustomEventHandlers). * * Argument: * 0: Object the event should be assigned to or namespace (Object OR Namespace) * 1: Name of the event (String) * 2: Code to execute (Code or String) * * Return value: * ID of the event script (used to remove it later). */ private ["_object", "_type", "_statement", "_name", "_actionsVar", "_id", "_actionIDs", "_actions"]; _object = _this select 0; _type = _this select 1; _statement = _this select 2; if (typeName _statement == "STRING") then { _statement = compile _statement; }; _name = format ["AGM_CustomEventHandlers_%1", _type]; _actionsVar = _object getVariable [_name, [-1, [], []]]; _id = (_actionsVar select 0) + 1; _actionIDs = _actionsVar select 1; _actions = _actionsVar select 2; _actionIDs pushBack _id; _actions pushBack _statement; _object setVariable [_name, [_id, _actionIDs, _actions]]; _id