["ACE3 Common", QGVAR(openMedicalMenuKey), LLSTRING(OpenMedicalMenu), { // Get target (cursorTarget, cursorObject, and lineIntersectsSurfaces along camera to maxDistance), if not valid then target is ACE_player TRACE_3("Open menu key",cursorTarget,cursorObject,ACE_player); private _target = cursorTarget; if !(_target isKindOf "CAManBase" && {[ACE_player, _target] call FUNC(canOpenMenu)}) then { _target = cursorObject; if !(_target isKindOf "CAManBase" && {[ACE_player, _target] call FUNC(canOpenMenu)}) then { private _start = AGLToASL positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0]; private _end = AGLToASL positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, GVAR(maxDistance)]; private _intersections = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_start, _end, ACE_player, objNull, true, -1, "FIRE"]; { _x params ["", "", "_intersectObject"]; // Only look "through" player and player's vehicle if (!(_intersectObject isKindOf "CAManBase") && {_intersectObject != vehicle ACE_player}) exitWith {}; if (_intersectObject != ACE_player && {_intersectObject isKindOf "CAManBase" && {[ACE_player, _intersectObject] call FUNC(canOpenMenu)}}) exitWith { _target = _intersectObject }; } forEach _intersections; if (!(_target isKindOf "CAManBase") || {!([ACE_player, _target] call FUNC(canOpenMenu))}) then { _target = ACE_player; }; }; }; // Check conditions: canInteract and canOpenMenu if !([ACE_player, _target, ["isNotInside", "isNotSwimming"]] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false}; if !([ACE_player, _target] call FUNC(canOpenMenu)) exitWith {false}; // Statement [_target] call FUNC(openMenu); false }, { // Close menu if enough time passed from opening if (CBA_missionTime - GVAR(lastOpenedOn) > 0.5) exitWith { [objNull] call FUNC(openMenu); }; }, [DIK_H, [false, false, false]], false, 0] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind; ["ACE3 Common", QGVAR(peekMedicalInfoKey), localize LSTRING(PeekMedicalInfo), { if !(GETEGVAR(medical,enabled,false)) exitWith {}; // Conditions: canInteract if !([ACE_player, objNull, []] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)) exitWith {false}; // Statement [ACE_player, -1] call FUNC(displayPatientInformation); false }, { if (CBA_missionTime - GVAR(peekLastOpenedOn) > GVAR(peekMedicalInfoReleaseDelay)) then { [{ CBA_missionTime - GVAR(peekLastOpenedOn) > GVAR(peekMedicalInfoReleaseDelay) }, {QGVAR(RscPatientInfo) cutFadeOut 0.3}] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute; }; GVAR(peekLastOpenedOn) = CBA_missionTime; }, [DIK_H, [false, true, false]], false, 0] call CBA_fnc_addKeybind;