#include "script_component.hpp" class ace_arty_bcs_main:ace_arty_bcs_ControlGroup { idc = MAIN_ID; class controls { class GVAR(welcome):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "AN/GYK-37 Battery Computer System (BCS)"; x = 0; y = ROWPOS(0); }; class GVAR(title):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Main Screen"; x = 0; y = ROWPOS(1); }; // Battery Name class GVAR(BatteryName):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Battery Name"; x = 0; y = ROWPOS(3); }; class GVAR(BatteryNameInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_BatteryNameInput; x = COLPOS(4); y = ROWPOS(3); w = COLPOS(3); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Battery Name"; ACE_BCS_Require = BCS_REQUIRE_FALSE; text = ""; }; // FDC Name class GVAR(FDCCallsign):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "FDC Callsign"; x = 0; y = ROWPOS(4); }; class GVAR(FDCCallsignInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_FDCCallsignInput; x = COLPOS(4); y = ROWPOS(4); w = COLPOS(3); ACE_BCS_InputName = "FDC Callsign"; ACE_BCS_Require = BCS_REQUIRE_FALSE; text = ""; }; // Battery Location class GVAR(BatteryLocation):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Battery Type:"; x = 0; y = ROWPOS(5); }; class GVAR(BatteryType):ace_arty_bcs_RscComboBox { idc = IDC_Main_BatteryType; x = COLPOS(4); y = ROWPOS(5); w = COLPOS(5); h = ROWPOS(1); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Battery Type"; ACE_BCS_Require = BCS_REQUIRE_TRUE; }; // Battery Grid class GVAR(BatteryGrid):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "GRID"; x = COLPOS(1); y = ROWPOS(6); w = COLPOS(3); }; class GVAR(BatteryGridInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_BatteryGridInput; x = COLPOS(4); y = ROWPOS(6); w = COLPOS(3); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Battery Grid"; ACE_BCS_Require = BCS_REQUIRE_TRUE; ACE_BCS_Type = BCS_FIELD_GRID; text = ""; }; // Battery Altitude class GVAR(BatteryAlt):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "ALT"; x = COLPOS(1); y = ROWPOS(7); w = COLPOS(1); }; class GVAR(BatteryAltInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_BatteryAltInput; x = COLPOS(4); y = ROWPOS(7); w = COLPOS(2); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Battery Altitude"; ACE_BCS_Require = BCS_REQUIRE_TRUE; ACE_BCS_Type = BCS_FIELD_NUMBER; text = ""; }; // Battery DOF class GVAR(BatteryDOF):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Dir. of Fire"; x = COLPOS(1); y = ROWPOS(8); w = COLPOS(3); }; class GVAR(BatteryDOFInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_BatteryDOFInput; x = COLPOS(4); y = ROWPOS(8); w = COLPOS(2); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Battery Direction of Fire"; ACE_BCS_Require = BCS_REQUIRE_TRUE; ACE_BCS_Type = BCS_FIELD_NUMBER; ACE_BCS_MinNumber = 0; ACE_BCS_MaxNumber = 6400; text = ""; }; // Target Prefix class GVAR(TargetPrefix):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Target Prefix"; x = 0; y = ROWPOS(9); }; class GVAR(TargetPrefixInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_TargetPrefix; x = COLPOS(4); y = ROWPOS(9); w = COLPOS(1); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Target Prefix"; ACE_BCS_Require = BCS_REQUIRE_TRUE; text = ""; }; // Target Num Start class GVAR(TargetNumStart):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Target # Start"; x = 0; y = ROWPOS(10); }; class GVAR(TargetNumStartInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_TargetNumStart; x = COLPOS(4); y = ROWPOS(10); w = COLPOS(2); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Targeting Start Number"; ACE_BCS_Require = BCS_REQUIRE_TRUE; ACE_BCS_Type = BCS_FIELD_NUMBER; ACE_BCS_MinNumber = 0; text = ""; }; class GVAR(ObserverInformation):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "OBSERVER INFORMATION"; x = COLPOS(12); y = ROWPOS(3); }; class GVAR(ObserverSelect):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Select:"; x = COLPOS(12); y = ROWPOS(4); w = COLPOS(2); }; class GVAR(ObserverSelectInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscComboBox { idc = IDC_Main_ObserverSelect; x = COLPOS(15); y = ROWPOS(4); w = COLPOS(5); h = ROWPOS(1); onLBSelChanged = QUOTE([ARR_4(IDC_Main_ObserverSelect,IDC_Main_Observer,IDC_Main_ObserverPosInput,IDC_Main_ObserverAltInput)] call FUNC(selectObserver)); }; // Observer Callsign class GVAR(Observer):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Observer:"; x = COLPOS(12); y = ROWPOS(5); w = COLPOS(2); }; class GVAR(ObserverInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_Observer; x = COLPOS(15); y = ROWPOS(5); w = COLPOS(2); }; // Observer Pos class GVAR(ObserverPos):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Observer Grid:"; x = COLPOS(12); y = ROWPOS(6); w = COLPOS(3); }; class GVAR(ObserverPosInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_ObserverPosInput; x = COLPOS(15); y = ROWPOS(6); w = COLPOS(3); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Observer Grid"; ACE_BCS_Type = BCS_FIELD_GRID; }; // Observer Alt class GVAR(ObserverAlt):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Observer Alt:"; x = COLPOS(12); y = ROWPOS(7); w = COLPOS(3); }; class GVAR(ObserverAltInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_ObserverAltInput; x = COLPOS(15); y = ROWPOS(7); w = COLPOS(2); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Observer Altitude"; ACE_BCS_Type = BCS_FIELD_NUMBER; }; class GVAR(UpdateAddObserver):ace_arty_bcs_RscButton { text = "Add/Update"; x = COLPOS(12.5); y = ROWPOS(8); w = COLPOS(2); h = ROWPOS(1); action = QUOTE([ARR_5(IDC_Main_ObserverSelect,IDC_Main_Observer,IDC_Main_ObserverPosInput,IDC_Main_ObserverAltInput,true)] call FUNC(modifyObserver)); }; // Known Points class GVAR(KnowPointInformation):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "KNOWN POINTS"; x = COLPOS(12); y = ROWPOS(10); }; class GVAR(KnownPointsSelect):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Select:"; x = COLPOS(12); y = ROWPOS(11); w = COLPOS(2); }; class GVAR(KnownPointsSelectInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscComboBox { idc = IDC_Main_KnownPointSelect; x = COLPOS(15); y = ROWPOS(11); w = COLPOS(5); h = ROWPOS(1); onLBSelChanged = QUOTE([ARR_4(IDC_Main_KnownPointSelect,IDC_Main_KnownPoint,IDC_Main_KnownPointPosInput,IDC_Main_KnownPointAltInput)] call FUNC(selectKnownPoint)); }; class GVAR(KnownPoint):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Name:"; x = COLPOS(12); y = ROWPOS(12); w = COLPOS(2); }; class GVAR(KnownPointInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_KnownPoint; x = COLPOS(15); y = ROWPOS(12); w = COLPOS(2); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Know Point Name"; }; class GVAR(KnownPointPos):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Grid:"; x = COLPOS(12); y = ROWPOS(13); w = COLPOS(3); }; class GVAR(KnownPointPosInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_KnownPointPosInput; x = COLPOS(15); y = ROWPOS(13); w = COLPOS(3); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Known Point Grid"; ACE_BCS_Type = BCS_FIELD_GRID; }; class GVAR(KnownPointAlt):ace_arty_bcs_RscText { text = "Alt:"; x = COLPOS(12); y = ROWPOS(14); w = COLPOS(3); }; class GVAR(KnownPointAltInput):ace_arty_bcs_RscTextBox { idc = IDC_Main_KnownPointAltInput; x = COLPOS(15); y = ROWPOS(14); w = COLPOS(2); ACE_BCS_InputName = "Known Point Altitude"; ACE_BCS_Type = BCS_FIELD_NUMBER; }; class GVAR(UpdateAddKnownPoint):ace_arty_bcs_RscButton { text = "Add/Update"; x = COLPOS(12.5); y = ROWPOS(15); w = COLPOS(2); h = ROWPOS(1); action = QUOTE([ARR_5(IDC_Main_KnownPointSelect,IDC_Main_KnownPoint,IDC_Main_KnownPointPosInput,IDC_Main_KnownPointAltInput,true)] call FUNC(modifyKnownPoint)); }; // FFE class GVAR(MissionGridButton):ace_arty_bcs_RscButton { text = "GRID"; x = COLPOS(1); y = ROWPOS(12); w = COLPOS(3); h = ROWPOS(2); action = "['grid', false] call ace_sys_arty_computers_gyk37_fnc_startMission"; }; class GVAR(MissionPolarButton):ace_arty_bcs_RscButton { text = "POLAR"; x = COLPOS(5); y = ROWPOS(12); w = COLPOS(3); h = ROWPOS(2); action = "['polar', false] call ace_sys_arty_computers_gyk37_fnc_startMission;"; }; class GVAR(MissionShiftButton):ace_arty_bcs_RscButton { text = "SHIFT"; x = COLPOS(9); y = ROWPOS(12); w = COLPOS(3); h = ROWPOS(2); action = "['shift', false] call ace_sys_arty_computers_gyk37_fnc_startMission;"; }; /* // Adjust class GVAR(MissionAdjustGridButton):ace_arty_bcs_RscButton { text = "ADJUST GRID"; x = COLPOS(1); y = ROWPOS(15); w = COLPOS(3); h = ROWPOS(2); action = "['grid', true] call ace_sys_arty_computers_gyk37_fnc_startMission;"; }; class GVAR(MissionAdjustPolarButton):ace_arty_bcs_RscButton { text = "ADJUST POLAR"; x = COLPOS(5); y = ROWPOS(15); w = COLPOS(3); h = ROWPOS(2); action = "['polar', true] call ace_sys_arty_computers_gyk37_fnc_startMission;"; }; class GVAR(MissionAdjustShiftButton):ace_arty_bcs_RscButton { text = "ADJUST SHIFT"; x = COLPOS(9); y = ROWPOS(15); w = COLPOS(3); h = ROWPOS(2); action = "['shift', true] call ace_sys_arty_computers_gyk37_fnc_startMission;"; }; */ // Special // class GVAR(MissionImmediateSupressionButton):ace_arty_bcs_RscButton { // text = "IMMED. SUPRESS."; // x = COLPOS(1); // y = ROWPOS(18); // w = COLPOS(3); // h = ROWPOS(2); // action = "['supress', false] call ace_sys_arty_computers_gyk37_fnc_startMission;"; // }; // class GVAR(MissionImmediateSmokeButton):ace_arty_bcs_RscButton { // text = "IMMED. SMOKE"; // x = COLPOS(5); // y = ROWPOS(18); // w = COLPOS(3); // h = ROWPOS(2); // action = "['supressSmoke', false] call ace_sys_arty_computers_gyk37_fnc_startMission;"; // }; // class GVAR(MissionRepeatButton):ace_arty_bcs_RscButton { // text = "REPEAT"; // x = COLPOS(9); // y = ROWPOS(18); // w = COLPOS(3); // h = ROWPOS(2); // action = "['repeat', false] call ace_sys_arty_computers_gyk37_fnc_startMission;"; // }; }; };